Her eye's Ace perspective

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Her eyes I don't think I have ever seen her kind of eyes before, her's are so rare, No unique there so unique there, like an angles eyes. Her eyes with her dark brunette hair, little freckles and the small pointy lips are like looking at my very own angle..." my angle" I thought to myself, I quickly realized I have been looking at her too long I turned my head away "oh shit was I really staring at her that long oh shit shit!!" "Hey, are you okay there Boss?" "What did I say about calling me boss in public!" " shit sorry Ace I won't let that happen again" "better not!!" I got so angry at myself I let it out on Ashton fuck what is up with me today is it really that girl..? I need to know her name I'll ask one of her friends? Did she just giggle at me! ugh I'll ask her after school I know her friend has cheer practice and I have football practice. after this very boring ass class, I had biology, lunch, history, a spare and then football practice. The hours went by so slow Finally its football practice, as I was playing out in the fields I noticed she came to the practice...? probably to cheer her friend, I'll go ask after I'm done. Okay everyone practice is over go clean up I'll see you all tomorrow, as soon as the coach said that I ran over to her friend. Hey, what's your friend's name the one with the bright baby blue eyes? "You mean my only friend her name is Haisly copper!" great thanks umm...?  "Emma my name is Emma" thank you Emma I said as I was running off to the shower to get the smell off me. "So her name is Haisly copper well" I smiled. After the showers, I got my backpack and headed out the front doors back home. My home is an hour away from the school so as soon as I walked through the door I dropped my bag and started to walk upstairs but then I was stopped by my father, fucking great the asshole is home. Hey, son so are you ready. Ready for what? I fucking told you, you're doing a mission tonight. Yeah yeah, whatever just get off my fucking back dude. Dude DUDE, I'm not your bro I'm your Dad and you don't call me dude it's Dad. Do you get it? Yesss Dad.

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