Chapter 16

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'We found her suspiciously loitering near the ladies' camp by the Western Corridor, Chief.'

Grisell looked up from the accounts she was reconciling to see a beautiful young woman resisting being man-handled by her guards, she intitutively guessed her to be Sorcha Lees.

'She refuses to answer,' one of the guards informed Grisell.

'What's your name?' Grisell demanded.

'Sorcha Lees.'

She is beautiful, striking in fact. Why did Eskine not want to take her to wife?

Grisell shook her wayward thoughts aside, silently thanking the gods, it was her that Eskine loved.

Sorcha in turn studied Grisell. She had heard of the powerful, fearless Chief of Dalmahoy, but she'd never had the privilege of seeing her close up. Sorcha was stunned at Grisell's striking beauty. She thought Grisell looked angelic with her glossy ash blonde hair, and her smoky eyes, they were grey, but displayed intelligence, confidence and made her look alive. Today Grisell was wearing a long white dress and brown boots. A chestnut brown band around her head, just above her forehead held her glossy, loose hair in place. Sorcha was shocked that she was so young. She thought she would be at least ten years older.

'May I ask why you are trespassing on my property?' Grisell demanded in a quiet, yet authoritative voice.

'Sorcha scrunched her face. 'I know my chief is seeing somebody here in our enemy's camp!' She spat.

Grisell leaned back in her chair, folded her arms. What business is it of yours if he is?

'He's mine,' Sorcha quarreled.

The two guards grinned, clearly entertained and were enjoying witnessing this scintillating conversation.

'Shouldn't that work both ways?' Grisell questioned.

Sorcha frowned, 'What do you mean?'

'You say he is yours. Does he feel the same way?'

Sorcha fiddled, scowled and shifted her feet. The guards were nudging each other, clearly enjoying the entertainment.

'Leave us,' Grisell ordered.

'Wh___ what are you going to do to me?' Sorcha questioned. 'I hear you throw your people in your dungeon and leave them to die!'

'Nothing,' Grisell replied. 'You will leave after I have spoken to you.' Her eyes followed her guards leaving as they closed her door.

Sorcha pursed her lips, containing her fury. She wanted revenge. She wanted to hurt somebody.

'I am the woman, your chief is seeing,' Grisell announced.

Sorcha's eyes widened to saucer size. 'But he's mine!' She cried out.

Grisell's eyes bore into Sorcha's. 'You did have a relationship, but it is over. You're an adult. You should know when it's time to move on.'

'He'll come back to me!' she argued.

Grisell shook her head. 'He's going to marry me.'

'No!' Sorcha screamed. 'No!'

'You may leave,' Grisell signaled to her guards to removed Sorcha off Dalmahoy property.

That afternoon, Grisell was pondering how to improve relations with her neighbouring clan, so she unilaterally, opened a free trade zone for both clans. She gave orders to her team that dealt with construction work to erect a large free trade zone board. The notice board informed both clans, they could sell or exchange their goods, produce or anything they wished to trade with. By the large gathering and excited voices, Grisell could tell that it was a successful idea. Evident on every face was delight and joy and Grisell could predict sounds of peace between the clans in the very near future. She was hardly surprised when Eskine rode up on his horse to see what all the din was about and found both their respective clan members enthusiastically engaging in bartering and trade. There was a curious blank, expression on his face as his eyes met the Chief of Dalmahoy; her arms were folded, with a mischievous grin on her face as her eyes lifted to him high on his horse. Eskine effortlessly hopped off his horse and walked to where she stood.

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