Chapter 17

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'You should go home,' Grisell laughed softly.

'Why?' Eskine resisted, tightening his arms around her.

'The sun is just about up. My maids will arrive shortly to clean my quarters.'

Eskine moaned gruffly. He had stayed the entire night. They'd made love over and over till the wee hours of the morning. Grisell smiled now, draping one arm around his neck. It was so beautiful, being absolutely stark naked in bed with her brawny lover. She felt it liberating to have her body entwined with his, just touching, caressing and smiling into his eyes. She found him irresistible, as she closed her eyes, pressed her lips to his and indulged in a slow lingering kiss.

'I love you,' he murmured against her ear.

'And I love you, but you must leave.' she whispered back.

Sighing, he reluctantly got up, quickly dressed and escaped from her room before being caught in her bed.

After a lazy breakfast, under the sun, Grisell called on her parent. She felt as happy as a lark, it was clearly evident from her glittering eyes and the ever present smile on her angelic looking face. Her father smiled at her adoringly, as she sat down to have tea with him.

'I love you child. I want you to know, I am so proud of you.'

'Are you ill father? Her eyes were immediately concerned.

'No,' he laughed.


Grisell studied her father, his words sounded ominous as if he had a dreaded disease and was going to leave her... leave her all alone.

'Tell me what's wrong father? You must tell me!' Her eyes filled with unshed tears.

'Nothing child! I am perfectly all right. I have no terminal illness,' he laughed again; accurately reading her concern.

She continued to stare at him, disbelievingly. He took her hands. 'I am very happy my child. Happy for you. DeMartino seems a fine young man. I am very proud of you.' He repeated himself. 'You are more than I hoped for. As my successor, I find no fault in you, none whatsoever. I love you very much,' tears slid down his eyes.

'Then why the tears father?' she reached out and wiped away the tears.

'It's tears of joy. I am at peace. You will have DeMartino protecting you, when I am no more.'

Tears rushed down her cheeks. 'I hope you won't be leaving me too soon. I want you to see your grandchildren.'

He laughed. 'You better hurry and make them then.'

She laughed awkwardly, 'Eskine ___.'

'Has not offered as yet? He will. I saw the way he looks at you.'

She flung her hands around her father. 'Oh Father, you are making me feel very happy this morning.'

'Go outside. Enjoy the sun and fresh air and cherish your moments with DeMartino, they make good memories.'

She wondered if her father had regrets about his life; his wife; his past. He never spoke of it. She never asked. She hoped it was not too painful. Sometimes she suspected it had pained him, for he never took another wife, since her mother's beheading.

'I will be taking supper with Eskine father. He has invited me.'

'Hah! The first Blane to receive an invitation in centuries,' he laughed.

She smiled. 'It is a good gesture, is it not? And our relationship will hopefully end this unnecessary feud.'

'Yes,' her father acknowledged sadly. He thought about all the wasted years and opportunities. They should have put their pride aside and made peace. Peace is always preferable to wars.

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