Loving embrace

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Running through the dark town my heart beat was quick but wasn't quick enough to keep up with the pace I was going..

Sweat formed on my head and neck slowly soaking into my clothes.

The cold night was enough to cool me down.

My boots clopped echoing through alleys and dead ends of the town.

"Cmon amity keep going don't stop don't look back keep on going!" I told myself out of breath not stopping for any breaks..

My breathing was loud, Loud enough that anyone could hear me trying to breathe as I kept moving forward.

Leaving the town I got to the forest.

Darkness surrounded me and the Forrest
Unable to see what's a couple of feet in front of me
I can't stop now I just can't!
"Keep moving amity" I encouraged myself.

Small branches brushed past me giving me a little slap but nothing to much.

Getting out of the Forrest I found the owl house.. Luz's place..

I ran up to the door and knocked "Ooh Someone's at the door!" I heard hooty from inside "here I'll take your tea you go open up to our guest" I heard Lilith's voice from inside.

The door opened and hoot looked at me "oh it's you" hooty scoffed "let me in" I demanded "why should I let YOU in?" Hooty asked "bird I'm gonna rip you out of that fucking door if you don't let me in" I threatened the door "then I'm letting you in and also you hurt my feelings apologize!" Hooty demanded "don't make me get in there the hard way door" I threatened wanting to rip that smug looking tube of bird out of the door.

The door opened further showing Lilith on the other side of the door "amity? What is my student doing here?" Lilith asked "I don't want to talk about it, I need a place to stay for awhile" I said "Cmon in I'll get you a cup of tea" Lilith said "NO don't do that!" Hooty whined "shut it Hootsifer" Lilith said grabbing my wrist and walked me inside sitting me down on the couch "I'll get you a cup of tea just how you like it" Lilith said walking into the kitchen.

I looked over at the door to see hooty glaring at me his facial expression was clear that he was pissed.

I stuck my tongue out mocking the bird "Fuck you!" Hooty said angrily "hooty language" Lilith reminded the bird tube.

Lilith came back with a cup of tea and sitting it beside me on the coffee table.

"Cmon kid you've been In there all day it's time
For you to come out I know it's hard but Cmon out please" Eda said knocking on a door

"Please kid come out I'm worried about you" Eda pleaded.

It was quiet for a moment as I picked my cup of tea and took a small sip.

A soft subtle sigh left Eda's mouth and she came down the stairs looking over at me "oh blight you're here.. when did you get here?" Eda said looking at the door "she just came" Lilith said "oh okay.. well I would send you up there with Luz but she.. she's not feeling herself right now" Eda informed "can I go up there anyway?" I asked "sure go ahead" Eda nodded.

I laid my head back and tilted the cup of tea all the way back chugging it.

I placed the cup back on the table and stood up heading upstairs brushing past Eda.

Reaching the top of the stairs I walked to Luz's room and knocked three times.

"Go away" luz muttered "can I please come in" I asked politely "a-amity!? W-what are you doing here this late!?" Luz spoke her voice changed from sorrow to surprised.

"I'm gonna stay here for some time" I shyly said.

"O-oh w-well in that case p-please come on in" luz said opening the door.

Our eyes locked I could see she was in pain her eyes red with tears around her pupils.

Luz stood back and I walked in.

Luz closed the door behind me and directed me to her bed.

"Why are you staying here?" Luz asked as the both of us sat on her bed "my mom.. isn't to happy with me being friends with a.."

"Human?" Luz asked finishing my sentence "yea a human.. but it isn't my fault I found such a good friend"

'Maybe even soulmate'

Luz wrapped her arms around my body and pulled me closer laying me down on her stomach.

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