Mother knows best

45 1 1

Not a tangled reference))

I laid my body back on the bed looking up at the ceiling bored waiting for lu-

The door opened slowly "sorry for taking so long I kinda got distracted looking at myself in the mirror" luz said placing her hand on the back of her neck.

Luz looked down at my side starting at the mirror "what were you doing with that?" She asked "I got it to work" I smiled "but I don't know how I did it I was just rubbing it" I added on.

"Let me see that" luz asked for the mirror holding her hand out

I grabbed the mirror handing it to her.

"And I just rub it?" Luz asked "yes and try think about the person you want to talk too" I added unsure if that'll help at all.

"Uh..huh" luz said rubbing my the mirror.

The mirror fogged up as Luz rubbed more and more.

Her face lit up her eyes twinkled and sparkled.

"Cmon Cmon" luz said to herself.

The mirror was completely fogged up.

"What now?" Luz asked "I'm not sure just Give it a second" I instructed

The fog of the mirror dissolved liked sugar cubes in tea.

A women on the other side of the mirror looked at Luz.

The women gasped "luz!?" She said tears forming in her eyes "hi mama" Luz waved awkwardly "where are you!? How are you even talking to me?" Her mother said concerned "okay mama I'll explain it but please don't get mad at me okay?" Luz asked "No te enfades ¿dónde estás?" She spoke in a weird tongue I didn't recognize "what?" I mumbled to myself

Translation: don't get mad where are you))

"Mama I'm in another world.. uh dimension? It's weird here but I like it it's like everything I ever wanted here it's filled with weirdos like me and our fantasies come true like mine I'm becoming a witch! Oh oh And they have giraffes!" Luz said smiling awkwardly.

"Luz noceda you are big trouble come home now! No me hagas encontrar una manera de llegar allí porque confía en mí, mamá bebé siempre encuentra una manera!"

Translation: Don't make me find a way to get there cause trust me baby, mama always finds a way))

Sorry this is short working on other story and I got school and stuff with a messed up sleep schedule it's hard to fit in time to write stories anymore but don't worry I'll find a way to give the stories some time i promise and I keep my promises one way or another))

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