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*** Doctor's POV ***

Millie can never know what happened in that room. It is better that she does not know and it is even better that she is with me. Now I can watch over her closely.

Millie was not a normal girl. I could feel that she wasn't normal. She was a Time Lady. Well half a Time Lady. Once upon a time we knew each other on our home planet of Galifrey. She doesn't remember me beacuse many of us were shipped off to the surrounding planets, most of which burned up. She got lucky and ended up on Earth.

As soon as we met I knew. But I still wanted her to live a 'normal life'. I didn't want her to get sucked in with the things that came with the Time Lord territory. There were a lot of bad things that came with it.

She was an extraordinary Time Lady. She was of the second generation. You see, there are multiple ranks in the Time Lord hierarchy, but not many people know that there are two generations. The ones with powers like Millie (2nd gen) and the ones without powers like me (1st gen)

The first generation had 'normal' kids they had no powers. Then a family had a child with an altered DNA sequence. Anyone who partook in sexual intercourse with any descendants of that family of the 2nd generation had a 90% chance of having a "2nd gen" child. That's how Millie or "Myllayshan" was born. I met her by my favourite red tree in Teshtaban. Then the time war came and changed everything. Now she doesn't know.

I mean she sort of knows that she has powers, but not that she's a Time Lady, but she can feel the connection between us.

I have to look after her properly so I don't lose her this time.

A/N: I know that it's a bit boring but some background information was needed


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