Chapter Three: Can I have a Catchphrase?

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*** 11th Doctor's POV ***

It's nice to know that Millie has met my former self. And that she likes him, well it is me, but as I used to say when a Time Lord regenerates, everything they were dies, some new person saunters away, like nothing ever happens. So although the Time Lords live long, it's not like we are one person our whole lives. We are 13 different people. But I'm glad that she's learning more about the Time Lords, maybe it will jog her memory and she will start to remember some things about Gallifrey, or even me. I wonder if my past self has even realised who she is, and if he has, I hope he doesn't tell her before her time. I don't want to harm the protective shield until I am sure she can take care of herself. Her being a 'human' protects her from all kinds of aliens. To them humans aren't even a threat, so being a human is the best thing for Millie right now.

*** Millie's POV ***

So my travels with both The Doctors have been wonderful - They both know where to take me and I never visit the same place twice, unless I want to. But there something I've realised - they both have their own catchphase and I find it so cute that they have their own little catchphrases, I can always tell when they are going to come. It's usually before we dive in head first into danger, that's the most appropriate time to use it I find. It's like danger forces them to say it, they can't do anything without saying it. For example when I was with Sandshoes in the library, and there was something called the Versta Nerada, creatures that live in the shadows - if you step in the shadows, you are instantly dead. And as we were running around the library, trying not to die, he would always shout:

'Allons-y Millie!'

And I know it means let's go which isn't much of a catchphrase, but in French it sounds amazing. And he has all sorts of mini catchphrases as well; molto bene, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, and so much more. I've always wanted a catchphrase of some sort. I've tried to make some up - even in different languages, but none of them really work. As I was going to try to think of some more ideas my ears started to twitch. Then I heard the thrumming of the Tardis and Sandshoes popped his head out of the doors.

'So Millie, where are we off to today?' he shouted.

'How about we visit Italy? After all you do love saying Molto Bene a lot, you'd fit right in!'

'That's true, but you would fit right in as well.'

'What do you mean?'

' The Tardis basically translates what we say and hear. Well... The Tardis has a special function, which is able to pick out where we are and adapt our voice boxes to our surroundings, by reversing the cognitive function in our brains and slightly trimming them to-'

'Too much information, the Tardis is very smart then! This is a really good Tardis, and you look after her well.'

The Tardis thrummed in response to me, I think that we have become closer and she likes me. Sometimes it's like the Tardis is The Doctor's mother, very over-protective and dangerous.

'Okay let's go to Italy then but I would like to get a catchphrase if you don't mind. Between you, Chinny and me, I feel so left out not having a little catchphrase, or is it a Time Lord thing?'

Sandshoes stuck his head out (something he seems to be doing a lot of) to look at me - to be honest at times he reminded me of a chicken.

'What do you mean catchphrase?'

His eyebrows went straight up, then he took off his glasses and leaned against the console.

'Well your main catchphrase is "Allons-y!", the others you have are "molto bene" and most of time when you explain something, when you want to go into greater detail you always go "Well..." Then you ramble until you've said it all, someone stops you or you realise that you are rambling.'

'Oh really? I guess it's just what I do, it's just who I am. Maybe a catchphrase will come to you?'

'I make nicknames based on what I see and I don't even know that a catchphrase will even come to me. It took me so long to make funny jokes, what makes you think that I can even make a short, sweet catchphrase?'

'You never know what could happen Millie, you never know.'

'Maybe on our next adventure.'

*** 11th Doctor's POV ***

'Geronimo Millie!'

As we rushed through the dark caverns underneath Nebulon 6 I thought that we were going to die. And all that was on my mind, apart from dying is that I didn't have a catchphrase yet. I turned a left, then a left, straight and a right, like The Doctor told me to. But it was a dead end.

'Millie's what's wrong?'

'It's a dead end, it's a dead end, what are we going to do?!'

The angels were closing in on us, we had nowhere else to go, and the battery pack was running low. It's not like there was any other way out of here. Unless this is the way we came before. The Doctor is never wrong, he has an eidetic memory and can read faster than the speed of light.

'It can't be a dead end that's the way we came!! Right, left, left, 30 degree turn, continue for 10 paces, left, crawl, crawl, up, over bars, past the withering tree, run!! Left, left, straight and a right. This should be the way!'

'What if this is the way? What if the caverns change while we move, like the labyrinth with the Minotaur? And that means that it changes every hour. Which means that there are multiple combinations for this maze and too little time.'

The angels were closing in and my light started to flicker on and off. I held out the battery pack towards The Doctor and he used his sonic screwdriver on it. It went off for a second and went back on. The angels were only inches away from us. We had to do something and it had to be done fast.

'Millie you watch the angels, I'm going to try to force this open with the sonic.'

He tried, but there was no luck.

'Let me try, you watch the angels.'

As The Doctor turned I focused on the wall. I imagined it moving and I saw it moving to the left. I put my hands on the wall, my hands glowed a golden-orange. The wall began to shake underneath my fingers. The wall began to move to the right.

'The wall is moving? Well done, Millie!'

'Yeah the wall is moving but in the wrong direction. I saw it moving left not right. I don't know what is wrong?'

'You saw it moving left, but now it's moving right.. Take my sonic screwdriver, you know how to use it already, maybe you can do something that I couldn't do before.'

He put the sonic in my hand without even looking back, and his hand brushed against mine briefly. I felt a slight tingle, like we exchanged energy of some sort. The sonic screwdriver shone a brighter green in my hand, almost blinding. I pointed it at the wall and it stopped, then slammed shut, and began to open to the left. Unfortunately this caused the underground caverns to begin to cave in.

'Time to dash, Chinny!'


'No time, explain later.'

I think that I've finally found a catchphrase...


I think it is 13 different people. 1st to 2nd is one, 2nd to 3rd is two, 3rd to 4th is three, 4th to 5th is four, 5th to 6th is five, 6th to 7th is six, 7th to 8th is seven, 8th to 8 and 1/2 is eight, 8 and 1/2 to 9th is nine, 9th to 10th is ten, 10th to 10th (he regenerated into 10th Doctor again) is eleven, and  10th to 11th is twelve. So they get 12 regenerations which is one regenerative cycle, that makes 13 people. I know this was kinda of long... And I'm feeling if-y about the catchphrase, and there will be more of ten with Millie, I promise :) Thanks for reading anyways!! :)

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