Chapter Two: Two Sides of the Same Coin

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*** Millie's POV ***

So the Doctor has multiple faces - some old - some grumpy. I was loving these two faces. But as his face changed, so did his personality. Sandshoes was in love with those converses - sort of smart casual-ish, actually it was geek chic, with his long brown overcoat and his suits - brown or blue. He was so talkative, we spent ages talking about the lost moon of Poosh, he made a lot of jokes about it too, he was the wittiest person I've ever met, well maybe behind Shakespeare. I don't think he liked The Doctor much, he was a cheeky chappie - if I may say, he's very easy-going when danger is around the corner - he loves a bit of adventure and mystery - even though I am pretty sure that he knows nearly everything that there is to know about the universe.... He finds an interest in anything and everything, everything in this universe - down to the atoms that it is all made up of is brilliant to him.

But unless you knew Sandshoes really well, you wouldn't be able to notice that it was a smoke screen. You'd probably think - 'Well he's an alien, so this must be  normal behaviour, being super positive all the time.' But it's not. Sometimes, and it wasn't often, the smoke screen would dissipate - no more smoke, and you would see the real Doctor behind it. You would see all of his anger, how he despised other people through their use of violence, how he always regretted what he did. When he talked about it I realised that he's been carrying this with him for hundreds of years. It slowly eats away at you - and this has made him vulnerable. He is afraid of being hurt, and I don't blame him - he's had so many companions and they all leave him in one way or another. That's why I made a pact to myself to try to not get myself killed, or to be captured or forget or to go away.  I don't want to be another person to forget.

When he told me about his travels, on his own, with no companion, I cried. I knew then that I had to be his rock. Stability. He didn't need to isolate himself from the outside world, keep looking back on the fact that he is the last of his kind. He should become the front that he has put up. Always finding the good.

Now Chinny on the other hand was quite different, he was so wise. He was an old man trapped in a young man's body - which is figuratively and literally - he was over 1,100 years old! But like Sandshoes it's like he has the blood of everyone on his hands and his constant travelling and thrill-seeking distracts him from it. But he can be quite cheerful, and very quirky with his many accessories - fezzes and stetsons. His suspenders and his very cool bow tie. He's like the professor of quirkyness. He would give anything a try - sometimes his enthusiasm nearly kills us. But despite all of this constant travelling, he still gets bored.  A bored Doctor is not a happy Doctor. And an unhappy Doctor makes a sad companion - me.

But no matter what mood The Doctor is in, he always has time for children. He has a soft spot for them, he will always play with or help children - he can't turn away from them, espcially when they are sad or afraid. It's like he's their protector, their friend, their raggedy man (when he blew up some toys to help a little boy and was in the blast zone). He's great with kids. Not with anyone else though - he is what I call socially awkward. When it comes to romanticizing he is the awkwardest man alive. His arms move around all funny, totally killing the moment. And you would think that the smartest man - who knows all the secrets of the universe would understand things in a millisecond. Well he does, but that's not the point- he finds himself rather slow when it comes to realising things, but he does this without noticing.

But just like Sandshoes, Chinny gets super angry. He can hurt people if it will help his big plan that he never tells anyone. He can switch in an instant - turn into a cold blooded man. He's deceptive and manipulative - but I don't mind. I've become used to it. Rule one: The Doctor always lies. That popped into my head and it finally makes sense. He doesn't tell anyone anything because he can't. Or he thinks he can't. That he has to carry the burden alone. But he doesn't. His companions help with that. Friends he's made help with that. And hopefully, day by day the load will get lighter and lighter, until he doesn't have to think about it anymore.

Sandshoes and Chinny are two sides of the same coin and it's funny - how they are the same person but so different at the same time. How they have the same traits, even though they are adamant that a new man is born when they die. What if pieces of them are still left behind? They may not remember everything, but they still have some memories. Sandshoes and Chinny may think that they aren't good men or they don't qualify to be good men. But I do. I know that they are good men.

I know that they would both give up their lives for their companions in both their heartbeats if they had to. They would be that willing to sacrifice themselves. They could travel time, and space, forget about them, but they choose to throw it all away for them. Humans, who couldn't possibly do what they are doing, day in, day out. But they choose to see something in us, they choose to believe in us and love us. So they are two sides to a coin, but they can blur in to one. And that's why I think I like them both so much - they are the same but so different. I feel like I've known them forever.


So thanks for reading this, which is over a thousand words for some reason... I just love Doctor Who and writing stories so I thought I'd take this book in a new direction. It's different from the first one as the chapters don't really start where things where finished off in the previous chapter. It's a bit like River Song's book that she has, where her and The Doctor's timeline are sort of mixed up. Hopefully it's not too boring.

And if you have any ideas please tell me about them - I'm open to suggestions!
Oh and sorry about being away for so long!!

Cxxx :)

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