Chapter One: Sandshoes and Chinny

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I waited for The Doctor to appear on my drive way. It was Thursday. Every Thursday at 8 in the morning, on the dot. Never a second before, never a second after. He was always on time.

The time now was 8:05. I wondered where he was. He never forgot. Then I heard the sweet Tardis engines that I have gotten used to. But when the doors opened, The Doctor didn't come out of the Tardis.

Some tall man, with great hair came out. Although his hair was wonderful, I couldn't let that distract me that The Doctor had already replaced me.

I rushed outside to meet the mystery man right outside my door. I always had a habit of smacking slap bang into people.

'I'm The Doctor, for some reason my Tardis came here. Wanna explore?'

I just looked at him. The Doctor must be trying to play a joke on me... It's not very funny though. I just rushed past him and went into the Tardis.

'Doctor? Doctor!!!'

At once the mystery man rushed in.

'Are you hurt? Everything okay?'

He was giving me the once over when I backed away from him. I was fine, I just needed to find The Doctor.

'I'm not hurt.'

'Oh, well then I guess it was the shock of the Tardis then, it-'

'-Stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, bigger on the inside, powered by a black hole, flown by The Doctor who thinks bowties are cool and is fascinated by everything. Oh and has he redecorated? I think I like the futuristic layout better, this looks like the time of the dinosaurs. '

He just stood there gobsmacked. And a little hurt like I offended him in some way.

'How do you know so much?'

'I travelled with The Doctor, tall giraffe, floppy hair, bowties - says Geronimo?'

A light bulb switched in his head. He made the same face The Doctor makes when he finally realises something.

'You must be travelling with my future self.'

'Future self?'

He took a step closer to me, there was only about 10cm between us - to be exact 10.367cm. I don't know why but I was good with numbers.

'Let me show you I am also The Doctor'

He took his hands and but the tips of his fingers on my forehead. He closed his eyes, so I closed mine too.

Then I saw it, saw them, all of his faces up to the current face he had. I didn't see my Doctor, so maybe he was after this face. I saw 10 faces in total. This Doctor was the 10th. I never knew he could change his face. But for some reason I know what this process is called: regeneration.

I felt something come out of me, some energy of some kind.

'Myllayshan?' He whispered.


'Oh nothing, now that we are up to speed, I would love to know your name.'

'Emmeline, but my friends call me Millie. I would ask of your name, but I know you go by The Doctor, the other Doctor was touchy when I asked him about it. But I'll need to give you both nicknames so when you contact me I can tell who it is. You're Sandshoes and the other Doctor is Chinny.'

'Why is the other me Chinny? Is he ginger? Actually don't want to know. No I do, no I don't, well I-'

'-Because he has a bigger chin than you, and as for being ginger, you can see yourself when the times comes. Enough about you, where are you taking me?'

'Wherever the Tardis takes us.'

He gave me a wink

'Allons-y Millie!'


So Millie has met The 10th Doctor!! And he's mentioned Myllayshan!! Wonder where we'll end up at the end of this book!! Thanks guys!


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