thirty two | morning tea

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Summer rapidly approached and Thea was slowly losing hope on ever gaining back the Peter that she knew and loved.

She stared over at him in their bed.  He was covered in bruises and scars and scratches, but when he slept, he looked so young and innocent again.  He looked like the Peter that Thea knew and adored so much.

It was early. Thea knew she should try to get a few more hours of sleep, but she grew restless. She stood up and threw on an old Gryffindor jumper before she made her way toward the nursery.

Phaedra was sound asleep and looked incredibly peaceful. Thea smiled down at her. She would be one on August 7th.  The idea of Thea having a one year old child at 21 years old made her head spin, but she wouldn't trade Phaedra for the world.

"Can't sleep?" A quiet, raspy voice questioned from the doorway, which startled Thea.  She was relieved when she looked over and saw it was only Peter.

"I've been having trouble staying asleep too long.  I usually come in here when I can't." She said with a shrug.

Peter frowned, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Thea shrugged, "You never asked."

The two stood in a lingering silence for a few moments.  Thea waited for Peter to say something.

"Is everything - are we okay?" He finally asked.

Thea nearly let out a laugh.  Are we okay? She wondered in what world a couple like them would be okay - where he kept leaving Thea behind with their child while he went on secret missions that even Dumbledore barely knew anything about.

"I dont know," Thea finally answered.  She crossed her arms over her chest and raised her eyebrows.  "Are we?"

Peter scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I don't really know.  I feel like we never talk anymore."

Thea let out a frustrated sigh, "Because you're always Godric knows where, with Merlin knows who.  Have you noticed how little missions I go on now?  That's because I have a daughter to raise and to keep safe.  Why can you not do the same thing?"

Peter rolled his eyes, which made Thea want to smack him across the face.  She stepped out of the nursery and closed the door behind her.

"I'm doing all this for you and Phaedra, don't you get it?" Peter said.

"I don't care.  I don't want you going on missions everyday and disappearing for weeks at a time.  Remus and Sirius have spent more time with Phaedra than you have.  She's going to think that they are her fathers and not you."

"That's not true, you know that's not true.  Don't try to guilt trip me into staying confined to this house all day."

Thea cocked her head, "Confined to this house?  Oh, you've done it now, Pete.  If you don't want to be confined to this house why not leave?  Go ahead then, get out.  Go on all the stupid death missions your heart desires.  I won't keep you cooped up in this house that I'm solely paying for with our daughter."

Peter sighed, "You know that's not what I meant-"

"Please, Peter.  I can't do this right now.  Just - just get out of my sight for the morning."

Thea didn't expect Peter to actually listen and leave. She was unsure where he had gone, and immediately regretted telling him to leave. No matter how bad things got, he was still the love of her life. He would always be the person she relied on most.

And right now, Thea wanted nothing more than for him to come back home, apologize, and have some morning tea together.

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