Corn Dogs ARE Real Food

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A/N: This is an updated version of this chapter. Read on to see what happens next.

It has been nearly two months since I got to hold and kiss Tali. Long distance relationships suck for that reason. I find the lack of kissing and holding very sad.

Most of it is okay, I talk to her every night, and unlike our previous communications she actually lets me see her face frequently. I love our conversations, I carry them around with me during the day and think of them when I am having a crappy day to cheer me up.

There are certain things that are hard to replicate in long distance relationships though. For me, the biggest one is physical affection. If I had to pick which love language most closely matches how I like to give and receive love, it is definitely touch. I also use my words, but there is something about actual physical affection that words can't replace, no matter how hard I try.

I'm not even talking about sex. While sex can certainly be an expression of love, it's not really what I'm referring to. I'm talking about holding and being held, all the little touches and kisses, being able to hear her heart beat. That's what my soul is craving from her like a man dying of thirst in the desert craves water.

I am interrupted from my brooding when I hear my phone ding,and glance at my notification. Tali: I miss you 🥺.
I smile, because I swear she and I operate on the same wavelength.

I check the time, 11pm. So 8pm in California. I press the button for her contact and dial. She picks up on the second ring. "Hey." She says in her soft voice. "I miss you too, so much" I say in way of greeting. I hear her sigh. "I know, me too. Did you eat real food today?" She asks me. "Excuse you, I'll have you know corn dogs ARE real food." I huff. This girl is always judging my diet. What can I say? I hate cooking and I have a similar appetite to a picky child.

I listen to her as she starts going on about her desire for me to provide nourishment for my body outside of corn dogs and chicken nuggets, and honestly I find it endearing how much she cares about me. It's a nice feeling.

Once she has finished her thought, I change the subject. "I need snuggles." I whine, and I hear her laugh. "I know, you always need snuggles, it's cute." Her voice is gentle, even though she is clearly amused by my constant desire for snuggles.

Feeling my anxiety starting to kick in, I can't stop myself from asking what would seem like silly questions to anybody without an anxiety disorder. "Are you still coming next week?" I ask as I start to pace around my apartment. "Of course I am, I would tell you if something came up." She says back. Still feeling anxious, I ask "Are you sure you still want to see me?" As I run my hand through my hair. "Yes, of course I am still sure." She says back, and I feel my anxiety settle, calmed down by her for awhile.

After she tells me about her day, it's nearing midnight my time. "I have to take a shower before bed, so I need to go." I say sadly, not wanting to hang. "Go. Go take a shower and get some rest." She says softly. "I love you" I say with a small smile. "I love you too." I hear her say, and my small smile turns into a full born grin.

"Goodnight love." I say still grinning.  "Goodnight baby." She says, and I smile as we hang up.

I strip quickly as I walk into my bathroom, turning on the shower and letting it pound over my head as I get lost in my thoughts. One more week. Just one more week.

The week seems to crawl by, but finally it is the day. I cleaned, then organized my apartment some fourteen times last night. I had a lot of nervous energy.

I take a long shower, enjoying the sensation of the water pouring over my head. I pull on a white Vans t-shirt and some faded black American Eagle jeans I've had for years. I pull on a pair of  black and white Vans and check my hair no less than four times to make sure no hair is sticking up anywhere. My hair is naturally pretty wavy, and parts of it like to curl when it starts to grow out so it can get a bit wild sometimes.

I check my watch like five times, and finally decide it's late enough that I can leave for the airport. I drive and park my car before slowly walking to the terminal that Tali is supposed to be landing in. In approximately fifty minutes. I might be a touch earlier than I need to be, but I get anxious that I'll be late so I'm usually early to most places.

I hate ambient noise when I'm anxious so I pop in my headphones and listen to music while I wait. Finally I see on a information board that Tali should have just landed. I take my headphones back out and put them in their little case before sliding them into my pocket.

I bounce lightly on the balls of my feet as I wait, feeling both excited and nervous.

I feel a tingling sensation right before I spot her. Apparently I have a Tali sense, like a spidey-sense but just for Tali.

I wait for her to pass by the sign that says "Do Not Enter" threateningly before I cross to her, smiling at her widely, waiting for her to smile back before I grab her and pull her into my arms, hugging her tightly. "Hey" I say as I kiss the top of her head, and I hear her say "Hey." I pull back a little to kiss her hello.

I grab her suitcase from her and lead her back to my car, listening as she talks but also carefully taking in our surroundings. I had a really unsettling experience in an airport in a tiny little country that shall not be named a few years back so I can't help but be hyper-vigilant of my surroundings while walking.

We get to my Subaru and I unlock her door and hold it open for her before popping my trunk to put her bag in.

I unlock my door and sit down on turn on my car before turning to Tali. "I can't believe you're here." I say with a grin.
"Well I am, so believe it." She says with a smile.

I lean over my center console and kiss her again. Slowly this time, within the relative privacy of my vehicle. Taking my time to enjoy the kiss and also let the fact that she is currently sitting in my vehicle fully sink in.

I pull away slowly and grin as she opens her eyes and grins back at me. "I really missed you." I say quietly.
"I missed you too."

I smile at that. "Okay, I live like twenty minutes from here. Do you want to go to my place? Or get food first, are you hungry?" I ask with a smile as I start to shift my car into reverse.

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