Cowardly Lion

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Edwards POV

School and just finished, the final bell had rang a couple seconds ago and I was walking to the other side of the building following Bella through people's thoughts. She was just out of literature.
The whole hour of my last class I had been listening to Bella and Jessica's conversation it had been painful to listen to-
Jessica was very pushy and it honestly annoyed me.

Once I saw Bella immediately I felt a sense of relief -she looked drained, i mean she did just have to talk to Jessica that was draining in itself but what they had been talking about was worse.
She immediately seemed to relax when she saw me and that made me happy, Jessica wasn't in sight hopefully it would stay that way.

"Are you alright?" I asked as she began walking-

She grumbled slightly running a hand through her hair
"No" she stated simply
I frowned
"Anything I can do to help?" I asked quietly
She looked at me before nodding, before I could respond she had grabbed my hand. Her warm skin burned against mine in a way that made me ecstatic.
"You're staying with me-" she said as he swung her bag over her shoulder
"Yes ma'am." I smiled back at her.

We headed out to the parking lot, her heart seemed to be racing, she seemed quite happy though.
Scanning the parking lot I heard Mike he and Eric were talking, they usually didn't get along but Jessica and Angela were there so that probably was the reason.

"That's Bellas concern not yours Mike" Angela said
I always liked Angela, she was nice, genuinely nice and kind.
"But why him? Jess you said it wasn't that serious"
Mike ignored Angelas statement.
Jessica shrugged
"It didn't seem serious, she could of been lying though"
"You definitely saw it?"
Eric asked and Mike nodded intently

Bella sighed as we got to her car-
"You're very popular today"
I mentioned and she looked at me with a frown.
"What did they say?" She asked and I gave an apologetic look.
"Something about not thinking we are serious"
I said as I opened the door of her truck for her. She got in, I wasn't gonna argue with her driving this time.
"Some times I wonder what's the definition of serious apparently nothing is according to Jessica"
She exhaled before starting the truck, I had swiftly hopped in the other side.
"Well either way Mike is attempting to make up excuses instead of accepting the fact he doesn't have a chance"
Bella chuckled at that as she pulled out of the parking lot
"You seem very happy that he doesn't" she teased
I smiled sheepishly before nodding

Bella drove at what I considered a snails pace-
"I'm actually quite upset myself-" I said honestly, I felt selfish for saying such a thing but Bella deserved a little insight on what I was feeling.

She glanced at me for a moment her eyes doe like and glossed over before her attention was back on the road.
"What's wrong?" She asked softly

"Our moment was ruined-"
I said quieter than I had anticipated but none the less she heard me.
Her cheeks flooded a bright red as she smiled.
"You're upset at that?" She asked teasingly
I frowned, I was definitely being selfish but It did upset me quite a bit more than I'd admit.
"Should I not be?" I asked as I looked at her, she had pulled into the driveway of her house. Once the car had stopped she sat back a minute.
"No, you should, I just found it funny that's what a 109 year old immortal being full of strength and power is upset about"
She laughed amused and I couldn't help but feel small at that, she was right.
"We're gonna have plenty of other moments like that, promise"
She said with a small smile before opening the door.
I was definitely comforted by that as I too got out of the car.
"Is Charlie home?" I questioned not being able to hear anything inside. I assumed not but Charlie was a quite man, in both physical and mental capacity.
Bella shook her head
"He's fishing- again" she hummed as she opened the door.

Once inside I closed the door while Bella went to grab herself something to eat, an apple. Before she walked upstairs, and I followed after her.
"I've got homework-" she stated as she bit into the apple swallowing it before opening up her bag
" Do you need any help?" I asked as I sat beside her.
She shook her head, she never wanted help.
"That's cheating you're practically a genius"
She rolled her eyes before grabbing a pen and her text book.
I chuckled, she wasn't wrong.

I watched Bella do her homework for about an hour, I liked watching her work she was very content as she scribbled on the paper.
Once she had finished it had started raining she had also finished her apple. She still needed to eat.
"Are you hungry?" I asked
She hesitated before laying backwards.
"Hm sort of-"
I frowned. Unsure.
"Would you like to go out for something to eat?" I suggested
She seemed to be thinking-for a moment
"I'm tired-" she admitted
"Then you should rest-" I responded
She grumbled at that
"I'll be leaving you by yourself"
I chuckled
"Your unconscious self is plenty company" i hummed with a small smile
She furrowed her expression at me-
"I'm not sleeping until morning, I'll wake up to eat" she concluded as she reached for her alarm clock setting it for a mere 2 and a half hours.
She sighed content as she took off her cardigan and shoes, kicking them across the floor and tossing her jacket onto the rocking chair in the corner of her room.
Bella then closed her door, turning to me with a content expression before pausing.
"Are you gonna rock me to sleep?" She asked determined
I was a little surprised at her words but I nodded.
"If you want me to-" I said honestly, she seemed okay with that-
I stood up as Bella jumbled her bed sheets so she could lie under them comfortably, it smelled amazing and I felt the venom seep into my mouth at the scent. I exhaled before I sat down again unsure of myself I just awaited Bellas word.
She glanced at me from where she was and chuckled-
"You look like a deer in headlights"
She pointed out and I stiffened
I questioned concerned at her noticing my battle with myself.
She looked at me yet again with a small giggle, it afterwards, turned into an actual laugh.
"It's not funny-"
I muttered hoping she would stop her laughter at my internal conflict
She attempted to keep her mouth shut though she still snickered while patting the bed beside her
She mumbled between soft giggles and like before I cradled her until she actually fell asleep her warm skin burned against me and I was more than content.

The hours that she slept passed by extremely quickly, once Charlie had left for work I relaxed again. I had moved to the floor, Bella moved quite a bit in her sleep and I assumed she'd rather not be trapped beside me.
It was around 6am when Bella awoke properly her sleepy expression was quite comforting as she tossed a little-
"You can rest a little"
Bella chuckled quietly before glancing at me
"You'll dazzle your way out of us being late?"
She asked amused, giggling sleepily
"If you'd like to to sleep in I'm sure I can"
I said honestly as I moved to sit on the edge of her bed.
Bella mumbled nothing into her pillow before yawning again and sitting up.
"I've got a calculus quiz"
She stated with a small sigh
"And I've to talk to Jessica- I need an excuse for not going to the party or whatever she's throwing"
Bella mumbled before she got up
"You're not going?" I asked quietly
"Of course not" she chuckled as she pulled out some clothes from the small closet in her room.
"I assumed as such" I whispered softly as I gently wrapped my arms around her.
Her heart spiked.
"Don't do that- or I might faint on you"
She hushed as a blush rose to her cheeks

We headed to school after that, I was allowed to drive this time.

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