v. can i watch?

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The dance was a bust. A snake had managed to get into the gym, sending everyone home early. 

Now, I had a major migraine to deal with. 

Indie ended up staying at a friend's house for the night, which I only know because I had read through our texts from last night. Drunkenly and stupidly, I'd said yes. There was a good chance she wouldn't be going to school today. If only I could say the same for myself. 

Last night, I was in my bedroom when I saw something. 

A few kids from school, holding a stick with a werewolf mask, ran into the woods behind my house. I watched from my window as they plunged the stick into the yard of a trailer before running off. Moments later, Peter walked out of said trailer. I take it that's where he lives.  

Last night at the dance has plagued my mind since it happened. The way Peter said what he did, he definitely meant something by it. If only I could figure out what. 

And I would figure out what.

I first saw him in the hallway as he put a few books on his locker shelf. I jogged over to him, reaching him right as Roman did.

"Peter." I spoke, causing him to turn around. "What the hell was last night about?" I asked. From the corner of my eye I saw Roman's eyebrows raise. "Not like that, douchebag." 

Peter eyed Roman, then me. "I... don't know what you're talking about." 

"Cut the bullshit." 

"Sorry, Stevie. I really don't." He said, making me look completely stupid. I ran my tongue along my teeth, nodding. 

"Fucks sake." I muttered, turning from Peter and Roman Godfrey and walking toward the exit, turning back only once to see the two of them talking while watching me go, not even trying to hide that they were doing so. 


I tried to not let it get to me. Really, I did. And I made it until dusk until my feet carried themselves down the stairs, out of my house, through the woods, and into the yard I assumed was Peter's. 

I knocked three times, and the door opened to reveal a woman with wild hair holding two glasses. I noticed that her face was quite tense but, somehow, it immediately softened upon her opening the door. 

Her mouth dropped open slightly before she closed it once more. 

"I'm, uh- here to see Peter." I said, unsure of what to say in front of her." 

"I-uh, uh, of course." She said suddenly, seemingly snapping out of whatever trance she was in. "Come on in, sweetie." 

I stepped inside to find Peter and Roman seated on the couches. Peter immediately stood up upon my entrance. 

"Stevie?" Peter said, somehow shocked. "How are you here?" 

"My... house is right up the hill. I saw those kids last night. And you never answered my question." 

Peter looked surprised anyway, and I watched as his mother turned to him with raised eyebrows, and he nodded. 

"Sit down, honey." The woman instructed. I slowly took a seat beside Roman on the couch. 

"Stevie, this is my mom, Lynda. Mom, Stevie." I sent Lynda a pursed-lip smile, to which she returned with a whole-hearted one. 

"It's so nice to meet friends of Peter's. Good ones, I hope." 

I watched as Peter took off a necklace he wore, and noticed how he was incredibly sweaty. The music from the radio continued to play throughout the trailer, and I pretended not to notice Lynda staring at me with a puzzled look. 

Eventually, at eight-thirty, Lynda led us out of the trailer and into the yard. The sun was setting, and she led us to a standing point while Peter emerged on his own. I was completely confused on what was happening, but too afraid to ask.  

"Cover your eyes, Stevie." I heard from inside of the trailer. I did with my hand, despite not knowing why. 

I heard footsteps against the leaves on the ground in front of me, and felt a cold hand on my warm one, as Roman moved my hand lower to reveal Peter, completely naked, my hand covering what needed to be covered. 

"Whats the 'G' stand for?" Roman asked, referring to the tattoo on Peter's ribcage. 

"Go suck an egg." Peter replied, before spitting on his hands and running them through his hair. 

"Are we safe here?" Roman asked. 

"Safe from what?" I couldn't help the words from coming out of my mouth. Lynda put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly. 

"Just watch." 

Seconds, which felt like hours, went by. 

A crack. 

My eyes immediately widened. It all happened so fast. Peter's neck. Then his shoulders, his arms, his back, his legs. He groaned, panting before falling to the ground. My hand fell without realizing, and he yelled in pain. 

My hands went to my neck as blood poured from his eyes, and his hands went to his face as his eyeballs began to come out of their sockets, suddenly replaced by piercing yellow eyes, similar to the ones from my dream. 

Claws grew from his knuckles, which he slammed into the ground. 

It was then that I noticed his skin. 

It was falling off of his arms, being replaced by lots of blood and a thick layer of fur. Peters groans became growls as the same happened on his back. His hands came up to his face, beginning to pull away the rest of the skin as his teeth were replaced by fangs. Then, a snout grew, emerging from the inside of his open mouth, snarling jaws. 

Jaws of a wolf. 

The rest of his skin fell of, and Peter, or rather the wolf, shook the blood from his fur coat. 

I hadn't realized how closely I'd been watching. 

He was a wolf. 

Peter was a werewolf. 

My hands remained protecting my neck while I watched as the animal ate what was left of Peter. 

When it was finished, the wolf looked up at Roman before growling. Roman leaned down slightly. 


Just as I thought he was going to pounce on Roman, Peter took off running in the other direction. 

Peter was a werewolf. 

Unspoken│Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now