vii. something bad

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Peter's couches were incredibly comfortable. 

Roman got first dibs on the long one, which I pointed out was only due to his freakishly long legs. I, on the other hand, slept on the armchair. 

Roman was still asleep as I helped Lynda unload dishes in the kitchen. I couldn't stop my eyes from continuously glancing over at him as I did so. I hated how cute of a sleeper he was. 

"Lynda, can I ask you something?" I said, breaking the silence other than Roman's soft breathing. She turned to face me with raised eyebrows. "Why does everyone keep looking at me like... like I'm insane?" 

Lynda gave me a confused look, before sucking in a breath. "You don't know, do you?" 

I was about to ask what she meant when Peter walked in, clad in nothing but a towel. Roman woke up at his entrance, to my dismay. I shook the feeling off, reminding myself of Jackson. Peter stood in the doorway looking around at the three of us. 

All was silent for far too long before Peter limped to what I assumed was his bedroom to get dressed. 

"Good morning." Lynda said to Roman, who sent her a smile. His eyes fell on me for a moment, before he pulled them away to light a cigarette. He took a drag, laying back on the couch as he released the smoke. 

The shuffling of feet drew my eyes from him to Peter, who walked down the hallway. I offered him a glass of water. 

"Thank you." He said, taking the glass from my hand. I followed him into the living room, watching as he set an ashtray on the coffee table before sitting in the armchair I was forced to sleep in the previous night. I took a seat on the couch beside Roman, who pulled at his hair curiously. 

"So, how was it?" He asked. I gave him a look as if to say 'seriously?' "What?" He added at both Peter and I's looks. 

"Something was out there. A scent." 

"Of what? Milk bone?" Roman asked with a laugh. Peter didn't laugh, however. 

"Something bad." He said, turning to Lynda, then back to us. "Look, last night, you two and my mom- you're the only ones who know. I need you to keep it that way. 

"Of course." I said, voice barely above a whisper. 

"Who would I tell?" Roman asked. Peter gave him a serious look. Roman held up three fingers. "Scout's honor." 

Peter laid back in his chair, and I figured it was time for us to leave. 

"I should go." I said, standing up from the couch. "Make sure Indie's home." 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go home and change." Roman said, standing up and grabbing his coat from the hanger. "Should I pick you up later?" He asked Peter, who was asleep on the armchair.

"Hm. Poor thing." Lynda said. "The turn, it really takes it out of him." She walked around the kitchen counter, two cups of coffee in hand. "Coffee?" 

"School." Roman replied. 

"Right." Lynda nodded. "Roman? Scout's honor." 

"Yes,  ma'am." Roman replied. Lynda looked at me and I immediately nodded. 

"It was great to meet you." I said as she opened the door. 

Her attitude immediately changed, and she put her free hand on my shoulder. 

"You too, honey. Come back any time. Really." She said as I stepped outside. I sent her a smile before stepping off the trailer's stairs onto the leaves below. 

Unspoken│Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now