Chapter 5: Lies

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A couple of hours later

After arriving at my apartment and finding a white chrysanthemum flower taped to the front of my door, Yoongi freaked out and dragged me back down the stairs and into the car. He quickly and quietly converses with Jin and then we were speeding down the road. The question now was where were we? I wasn't sure, the word 'headquarters' had been spoken in the car so I assume that's what this place is.

Jin pulls up to a large iron gate with two suited men posted in front of it, they exchange glances and press the buzzer to let us inside. The drive was long and surrounded by trees, we turn the corner and a huge mansion suddenly comes into view. Just what is this place? More suited men are outside the building with several parked cars.

I don't have a chance to ask any questions as I'm taken inside and led to a room where the rest of the boys are waiting. It looks like a dining room of sorts, a long glass table stretches its way through the centre of the room with black leather chairs adorning either side. The walls are covered with bookshelves and in the far corner sits a drinks table. The boys start conversing amongst themselves and spread documents across the table, completely ignoring my presence. I sit on the windowsill of the single window this room has, pulling my legs up into my chest for comfort and waiting for someone to tell me what the hell was happening. 

The boys speak quietly during certain points of their conversation. I have no doubt that it is to avoid me hearing what they are talking about. Yoongi stands with his back to me and I stare at it for a long time, willing him in my mind to face me and explain what was going on. This has gone on long enough."What is going on?" I ask, loudly and everyone except Yoongi turns their heads to face me but no one answers my question. They look awkwardly amongst themselves. 

"I'm leaving," I say abruptly and stand to my feet, heading to the door but Namjoon blocks my path. "Move." I spit.

"No can do Hailey." He says calmly. 

I moved around him but he swiftly pulls my wrist and jerks me back. I'm not having this. I twist my wrist out of his grip and pull his thumb harshly behind his hand, he winces in pain and tries to grab me with his other hand but I'm quicker and land a blow in his stomach with my fist. 

Namjoon's eyes twitch in frustration and he kicks my feet from underneath me. I grip his neck and pull him down to the ground with me. I land on top of him and raise my fists again, ready to strike. "ENOUGH!" Yoongi bellows.

I feel rage completely encompass me and I glared at Yoongi, his eyes are now finally looking into mine. I stand to my feet and step towards him. "What is going on!?" 

Yoongi's eyes dart around the room momentarily before he wipes his face with his hand and slowly looks back at me "I have been lying to you." He says slowly.

"What?" I say, taken aback.

He sighs deeply "I never told you what I did for a living did I?" He says robotically. I stare at him in confusion, what is he about to tell me?

"I am part of the Mafia," Yoongi says bluntly.

My eyes became wide in horror at what I had just heard. The Mafia!?  All of those news reports on the TV and in the papers about violent gangs and their turf wars, hurting people and getting mixed up in horrible things. I look at all the boys in disbelief but their eyes are all facing the ground except for Yoongi who continues to look directly at me with a slight contortion of fear in his eyes. 

"I...I don't believe you." 

How can this man, the person I love, be part of the Mafia? I! It can't be true. I-I know there are some grey areas when it comes to his work sure and what he actually does for a living and the fact that his friends like him...boss. I gasp as all the pieces start to fit together in my head and I cover my mouth. It all makes sense now. Why he leaves so early in the morning, why he sometimes comes to see me slightly battered and bruised and why the guys always hang out at the Dojang. 

"I am the leader of our group BTS," Yoongi announces and one by one the boys all look up at me with apologetic eyes. I remove my hand from my mouth and curl it up into a fist at my side, looking away from Yoongi. "There is another group threatening us, their mark is that white chrysanthemum flower that you picked up."

"As my girlfriend, you are my top priority so I need to keep you safe. That is why you are here." He says sharply, I've never been spoken to like that by him before. Is this how he normally is with everyone? Was this his true persona? I I even really know Yoongi anymore?

I can't take it anymore. I need some air. I spin around and walk out of the room and no one stops me. I don't bother to look at where I'm going. I just wanted to get away from everything and everyone. I look up and see I'm in front of the pantry. I open the door and step inside, sliding down the back of the door once it's shut and place my head in my hands. 

What does this mean for our relationship? My head and heart start to argue with each other, what am I supposed to do when I have already fallen so hard for him? But...he's been lying to me! This entire time! Can I still trust him? He's a Mafia boss...but that means he's killed people...they all have. Oh god...can I be with a murderer? Everything about this goes against what I've morally believed in for so long. I don't know what to do.

A small knock hits the door after some time "Hailey? Are you there?" I open the door and see Jin standing on the other side, his hair is a soft brown colour and it rests just on top of his eyebrows revealing Jin's kind face. "There you are, can we talk for a moment?" Jin asks sweetly before he grabs my hand and leads me away to the garden. 

"Won't Yoongi get mad?" I say timidly. I mean if we're being targeted shouldn't we stay inside and board up the windows and doors or something? 

"It's okay, I'm with you so it's allowed." Jin smiles at me and lets go of my hand as we begin walking around the garden in silence. 

"How are you holding up?" Jin finally asks. 

"I don't know." 

Jin nods his head and half-smiles. "I know it's difficult to accept what we do...but this wasn't our first choice, for any of us," Jin says earnestly.

"But doesn't this mean you've...killed people?" I whisper, looking away from Jin.

Jin sighs softly. "Yes it does mean that but you have to understand something, when you are brought into this world and you truly live in it you can't leave as easily as you would like to. Yoongi has had to do things to assure his safety as well as ours and yours. I don't think that necessarily makes him a bad person." 

I look up at Jin's face and he smiles tenderly at me "You don't have to answer me. I've known Yoongi for a very long time and well, I've never seen him this genuinely happy before. You know that's because of you right?" 

I feel my cheeks instantly burn at Jin's comment. "I love him," I say quietly and the words fall out of my mouth instinctively. So many red flags are popping up in my head, warning me that this is bad and that I should run away as far as I can but my heart was pleading for me to stay and be with Yoongi

"Ah!" Jin says loudly, knocking me out of my thoughts. "There's a change of clothes for you inside, I'm sure you wouldn't want to travel in your Dobok." 

"Clothes? Wait, travel? Where are we going?"  

"I'm afraid I can't say but we can't stay here, unfortunately." 

What does that mean?  "Go on go in, they should be on the side for you. We'll be leaving in an hour." Jin ushers me inside. 

I guess this is my life now, not knowing what was going to happen next or who to trust exactly. 

I can do this.

I can't afford to be afraid now.


Hey guys, what do you think so far?

What's going to happen to y/n now that she knows the truth? How dangerous is this other group?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

See you in four days 💜

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