Chapter 7: Exploring

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It's incredibly boring being hauled up in a house with nothing to do and going outside is a big no-no. I'm not even allowed to go into the back garden. Yoongi says the point of being in a safe house is so that no one knows your there, that's what makes it safe! But seriously, nothing has happened in the past week we have been staying here. I'm not waiting for someone to come in guns blazing and everything but there's very little to do here.

I'm getting antsy at this whole situation we're in, how long does something like this usually take? I would like to get back to my life at some point!

Guilt overwhelms me when I think of my students back home, their grading ceremony is coming up and I can't help them with their patterns or anything. I was told one of the guys had posted a sign to the Dojang explaining that it would be closed due to personal reasons so at least they have that. I miss the training hall and the whole building. I miss my whole routine and training.

It feels weird to do anything different after so long, is this perhaps what my life would have been like if my parents were still alive? I mean minus the whole gang targeting me and Yoongi being part of the mafia. Would I have this much free time?

I shake myself out of my gloomy thoughts and leave my bedroom. I will just have to find something else to stop my boredom...exploring the house maybe? That should be fine right? Since I'm not allowed outside.

Yoongi is trying to make time for me where he can but because he is busy planning his attack on this other group I don't see him much throughout the day

Downstairs is pretty much the box standard for any house, living room, kitchen, bathroom, dining room and a door that opens onto a creepy set of stairs that leads down to the basement...yeah no thanks.

The dining room has been converted into the guy's meeting room, it's where they are planning everything. I stay clear of that room.

Upstairs consists of four bedrooms and another bathroom, which the boys are sharing. I know it's just where they're sleeping but I'm feeling nosy so I'm going to look in each one. 

The third door I open I find Hobi hunched over a desk in the corner of the room. "Oh hey, Hailey," Hobi's room is slightly intense to look at. The windows have been taped over with newspaper making it impossible to see in or out. On Hobi's desk is a Windows computer that is hooked up to a monitor, along with a mouse and keyboard. On the table next to his desk are various walkie-talkies, small black flip phones and pagers. The floor is covered in different electrical parts such as wires and other equipment.

"What is this?" I say in awe, stepping into the room.

"Uh, guess you can kinda call it HQ? Though in Jimin's words it's closer to a cave." Hobi laughs, "I am the tech guy." He says in a mocking tone.

''Wow, I don't think I've ever seen so much stuff like this in one room before." 

I mean, I do have an extremely old computer in my office at the Dojang but it takes so long to dial up so I just don't bother using it half the time.

"A lot of it Is new, top-of-the-range quality."

"Woah!" I say as I admire the sight of the gadgets lying on the table. 

"Do you know how to use this one?" Hobi asks as he stands next to me. 

"Pfft, I think everyone knows how to use a walkie-talkie. Dad and I used to use one to play games with each other around the house." 

"Okay, okay. I take it you understand how a phone works then too but what about the pager?"

"Uh well...I mean I've seen people use them but I've never used one before." I bite my lip, I have a phone hooked up to the wall in the Dojang and my apartment so why would I ever need to page someone? 

"I've programmed these, you can instantly send messages to the other members," Hobi says proudly. 

"You've programmed them?" I say in shock.

"Yeah. You can instantly send different distress calls to everyone by typing in specific codes."

"Cool! What's the code?"

"This is for an emergency, 134340." 

"134340," I repeat. "Got it!"

Hobi smiles, "Here's your pager." He hands me the pager and I clip it to my jeans. 

"Thanks, Hobi." I grin.

"No problem."

I excuse myself and leave Hobi to his work, closing the door quietly behind me. I sigh and stretch my arms out in front of me, guess that's my exploring over. I look up and notice a cord hanging from the ceiling, oh sweet an attic! I jump up and pull down the cord and a set of folding stairs follows me down on my descent to the floor. The stairs thud loudly and produce a large cloud of dust, I cough and wave it away with my hand. I slowly walk up the steps and peer my head into the attic but I can't see a thing. I fumble my hand around the edges of the entrance for a light switch.


"JESUS CHRIST!" I scream and grip the floor of the attic for support to stop myself from falling. I turn and see Namjoon standing behind me, smiling. His dimples shin through his cheeks as he pushes back his ashy silver hair out of his eyes. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" 

He chuckles, "Sorry, what are you doing in the attic?"

"Uhh..." Now I look like a kid with my hand stuck in the cookie jar. "I was looking around...I'm bored okay!"

Namjoon smiles, "I see but there isn't much up here." He flicks the light switch on to reveal a large wide open space. I step onto the dusty floor and look around the room. Oh! This is perfect.

"Can I train up here?" I ask eagerly, "All the other rooms are too small."

Namjoon rubs his chin, "I think that'll be fine, besides I still need to get back at you for the other day." Namjoon steps into the room. 

"Oh yeah...sorry about that," I bit my lip. "I was mad at Yoongi."

"Don't worry about it."

"Are we sparring?" Jungkook's eager voice spoke and I look to see him popping his head into the attic. 

"I thought you were helping Jimin out on an order," Namjoon quips. 

"We're going later," Jungkook waves away Namjoon's concerns with his hand. "I'd never miss a chance to spare Hailey." He says, catching his fist in his hand. 

Jungkook is by far one of the toughest to fight out of all the guys but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. I grin, "We can spar." 

"Yes!" Junkook says happily and jumps up and down on the spot, his parted black hair follows him up and down. Jungkook is the youngest out of everyone, only twenty-one. I'm two years older than him but I still see him as a kid, especially when his face scrunches up when he smiles. I'm always reminded though that he isn't a kid when we spar or when he shows me a new tattoo on his growling collection on his arm.

"Yah, I'm first." Namjoon bellows. 

"Aw hyung, can't I go first? It's been ages." Jungkook pouts. 

"No way, I still need to get back at her for the other day." 

"guys, are you that confident you can even beat me?" I grin, I'm ready to get my blood pumping and kick them to the ground. 

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