Chapter 8: Sparring

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I've successfully kicked Namjoon to the ground; now it's Jungkook's turn. We don't have proper sparring equipment like we normally do at the Dojang so we are using bandages to wrap our hands and fighting without our shoes on. I thought that would help make the hits hurt less. I tie my hair up as I wait for Jungkook to get ready, adrenaline is pumping through my veins and I can feel small beads of sweat rolling down my neck. I'm eager and ready. This is a great way to get my frustration out, I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner!

"Don't look too excited Hailey." Jungkook teases.

"I'm just imagining your face when I beat you," I say smugly and smirk.

"Oh yeah? What makes you think you'll beat me?"

"I'm a nearly 4th Dan blackbelt. That's gotta give me some cred." I say and raise my hands.

"If you say so," Jungkook comments sarcastically as he finishes wrapping his hands.

I beckon Jungkook to the centre of the room with my hand and Namjoon counts us down to start, "Go!" He shouts.

Jungkook comes towards me with two jabs at my head. I block using my arms, his hits are harder without any equipment on. I try to kick his side but he blocks me using his arm and pushes my leg off course. I stumble and lose my balance, Jungkook takes this chance to swing his leg towards my head and I just barely avoid being clobbered by ducking low. Shit, he's not going easy on me. I need to get serious.

I regain my footing and smirk as I move forward to hit his stomach, Jungkook guards my attack. I grab the arm he uses to avoid my hit with one hand and swing my other hand at his face. He quickly catches on to what I'm doing and tries to move out of the way but my fist still manages to clock his shoulder. We break apart and begin circling each other, his dark eyes are locked on me. I run at him with another hit but he catches my hand and spins my arm around and pins me to the back of his chest. I groan frustratedly at the sudden motion.

He holds me firmly in place and his grip feels almost unbreakable. I stomp on his foot and elbow him hard in the gut. He backs away clutching his stomach. "Goot hit Hailey," Namjoon calls.

Jungkook looks pissed, I know he doesn't like to lose. He doesn't give me a chance to catch my breath before he kicks me to the ground hard which makes me fall to my knees. He attempts to punch me while I'm down but I roll out of the way and get back on my feet. Move after move Jungkook throws at me relentlessly. Swipe, punch, kick. He makes contact a few times but I try to absorb each blow rather than falter. I need to get back at him in a different way, punches and kicks aren't going to cut it.

I'm not particularly fond of the move I'm about to do as it's a dirty one. I throw my head back harshly and smash it aggressively into Jungkook's face which results in both of us stumbling back. I rub my forehead and look at Jungkook to see a small dribble of blood leaving his nose. Oops. I forgot we weren't wearing head guards. "Oh, Jungkook! I'm so-"

"That all you got?" Jungkook says breathlessly and wipes his nose.

"Absolutely not," I grin. It turns out that it was all I had because Jungkook came at me fast, faster than he had done before and well naive me thought I was quicker and dodged his obvious attack but that turned out to be his plan. His other hand hit me hard in the stomach and I landed on the floor wincing in pain.

"Okay, okay, you win," I say panting. "I am way too tired." I stay on the floor and stare up at the ceiling and try to catch my breath.

Namjoon walks over to Jungkook and smacks him over the head. "Idiot, you went too far! The boss is gonna kill you."

"She started it!...are you alright, Hailey?" Jungkook asks nervously.

"Yeah, I'm good and he's right." I roll to the side to look at them. "I did kinda start it with the whole head-butt." Jungkook helps me to my feet and looks at Namjoon to say as if he was right but Namjoon just rolls his eyes at him.

"Can I have a go?"

I whip my head to see Yoongi standing by the entrance to the attic.

"Boss!" Jungkook and Namjoon say anxiously in unison.

I'm in shock, out of all the guys Yoongi has never once asked me to spar with him before. "Uh...sure," I say awkwardly. I lean down and grab one of the bottles of water and Yoongi flicks his head at Namjoon and Jungkook to leave and they do pretty quickly. I haven't even had more than five minutes with Yoongi this week and now he wants to spar?

I stretch my limbs and Yoongi starts wrapping his hands without giving me a second glance. After finishing he paces over to the centre of the room and readies himself, I attack first but he blocks me instantly. I aim and try to hit him again but he catches my fist. "You're open," He says quickly and jabs me in the ribs with his fingers.

I spin around and attempt to high-kick him but he dodges me effortlessly. I kick again, aiming for his chest this time but he blocks me. I throw another hit but he kicks my leg before I can make any contact and jabs me in the stomach. "Open," he says again. Urgh! I'm seriously getting annoyed!

I grit my teeth together and take a few steps back so we can circle one another. I raise my fists and guard my face. Yoongi advances towards me and practically flies across the floor, I manage to dodge his assault in time but he's quick on my tail with several hits. I block them all and wait for an opening. He hits my side and I absorb the blow and take advantage of his now open spot! I swing my leg up high to hit his head with my foot, it makes contact but he grabs my leg and pulls me down to the floor with him and I land on his chest.

I sit up on his stomach and stare down at him, my hair tie snaps and my hair flutters down to touch his cheeks. "Open," I say breathlessly.

He smirks and pulls my face down and crashes his lips into mine. I break away and shuffle to sit on the floor next to him, he too sits up and rubs his head. "Man, your hits hurt."

"I didn't hit you that hard," I tease and he pulls a face at me.

"I'm sorry for not spending that much time with you over the last few days," he says apologetically.

"It's okay. I know you're busy preparing...everything." I don't want to say to kill some people. I grab his hand. "Is that why you wanted to spar?"

"Well, you spar with all the guys. I wanted to know what it was like."

"Wow, Min Yoongi."

"Also it's fun to rile you up."

"Hey!" I smack his shoulder playfully and he laughs.

"Jungkook was too rough earlier though. I'll have to have a word with him." Yoongi says in a serious tone.

"No, it's fine," I say waving away his concerns with my hand. "I did head-butt him after all, that's not exactly a typical Taekwondo move."

"You should've hit him harder, he could do with a good beating. That kid gets so cocky sometimes."

"Ah, leave him. He's just eager and a good fighter." I admit and rub the place Jungkook had hit me on my stomach.

"Did he hurt you?" Yoongi asks but before I can answer he lifts my top up to check. I quickly push it back and down and feel my face immediately heat up.

"Oi! Don't just suddenly do stuff like that. What if one of the guys saw!?" I say in embarrassment but Yoogni ignores me.

"You've got a bruise."

"Oh, I do?"

"I'll kill him," Yoongi says through gritted teeth and stands to his feet to begin heading down the attic steps.

"Ah, w-wait! Yoongi!" I scramble to my feet to chase after him. He wouldn't actually kill Jungkook...right?

Luckily I manage to catch up to him before any damage was caused and calm him down. He instead gave Jungkook a very lengthy scolding and made him clean all the bathrooms in the house with just a toothbrush.

Well, I guess that's a better punishment than being dead. 

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