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We're all sitting around the living room eating snacks, all as in, Miguel, Sam, Demetri,  Ryker, You, and Eli. Ryker is laying on the couch his head in Demetri's lap, they're best buds from what they say. I'm sitting beside Eli, his arm around me as he runs my shoulder. Sam is sitting on the ground in front of Miguel who is on the couch beside Demetri. The room is dark while the TV shines lights playing a movie on it that has now ended and showing the end credits. Miguel and Dam decided they needed to head to their places before their parents kill them for staying out late.

~After Miguel and Sam Leave~
Demetri: Hey is it okay if I stay over tonight? - He says leaning up from the handle of the couch, Ryker pops his head up from demetris lap with an excited expression.

Ryker: Yes he can! Please, can he? - He begged. Eli rolled his eyes with a smirk then nodded.

Eli: Why wouldn't he? He practically live where already. - Demetri didn't deny it.

Eli: Nah, I'm kidding, he can stay. - Demetri picked Ryker up and slung him over his shoulder, he ran upstairs as they both cheered up and down. I placed my head in Eli's lap and stared up at him, "He's so freaking cute" I thought to myself. He noticed me smiling at him and pecked my lips.

Y/n: We should go on a vacation soon you know. - I said, he nodded in agreement.

Eli: Where to though? - He asked, I shrugged.

Eli: Maybe just book a hotel here, like a nice hotel and stay there. - He continued. I sighed.

Y/n: Ryker would be so bored though. - I replied.

Eli: There's a pool there. - He chuckled. I rolled my eyes knowing Ryker can't swim yet.

Y/n: I don't know... we'll just have to let Ryker decide, I'm sure we'll be fine with his choice.- I got up from the couch, Eli got yo as well and slapped my butt. I just continued walking upstairs.

That night we eventually talked with Ryker and he decided to stay home, demetri agreed to babysit him as well.

It's the middle of the night and we're all sleeping, I hear what sounds like Ryker screaming and crying so I hurry to his room Eli following behind me, as we get closer the crying stops. We come to his door and open it to see demetri having a talk with Ryker.

Eli: What's going on? - He asked the to of them. Demetri was wiping away Rykers tears with some tissue.

Demetri: Apparently he had a dream about something I'm going to have to have a talk with you to about. - He replied with a stern look. We nodded and walked out of the room.

~That Morning~

I was making everyone some waffles, Eli was helping.

Y/n: It's still in my head that Ryker had a dream about Tory. - I said, eli placed a second plate on the table.

Eli: And the worst part of it was she was trying to kill him. - He sighed, he turned around to be froze in place with a worried face.

Eli: Don't actually believe that though. - he continued.

Y/n: but that's totally something Tory would do. - I replied continuing to poor Rykers ape juice. Eli stood behind me, placed his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

Eli: She ain't going to hurt him, believe me if she even glances at him she won't have a head. - He chuckled. He kissed my cheek then went and woke everyone else up. I went a placed Rykers juice by his plate. Soon Eli walked in, Ryker walking beside him while rubbing his eyes from sleep. Demetri followed behind them. We all had our breakfast then said our goodbyes. Me and Eli headed out the door after giving demetri warning over Ryker.

Taking Chances | Eli Moskowitz x Reader | Sequel to Strike HardWhere stories live. Discover now