#48 one of the boys

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This is a Request!
This is just a cute imagine of you a 12 year old fan with Colby Brock and the crew! Nothing weird guys!
Btw the person who sent this request said it's based off a rapper names Heidi 2000 go check her out!

Colby's POV:
I'm having a meet and greet today was I excited eh both really I love my fans trust me but I feel as if it's the same thing every time most of the people that come never want a conversation they want a picture and run away I want my fans to be comfortable with me but they aren't.

"Hey Colby!" Sam called from downstairs.

"Yeah man?" I yelled back.

"You ready to go we're all downstairs waiting" he yelled.

"Yeah guys coming !" I hurried and grabbed my coat making sure not to forget anything and we took off.

One we got to the place everyone was already freaking out we all smiled at them and waved. They were all screaming. My ears definitely hurt.

During these events we do have security guards so they were getting everyone in lines so we can do it individual. So once that was all set the first person came up to us.

After a while it was just picture after picture. Then this one girl came up.

"Hey guyssss!!" She said I smiled I already like the attitude.

"How are you in such a good mood after waiting for hours?" Sam asked.

"Oh I don't know I stay on my feet so I'm pretty good I'm y/n you are?" She said. We laughed. Looking down at her outfit she had really good style she was wearing baggy pants with a short sleeve long shirt with a hat on backwards.

"I love the fit y/n" jake said.

"Oh this thing just something I threw on" she said smiling. Corey started fake rapping.

"Why are you doing that Corey" I asked.

"She looks like a rapper guys I wanted to join" he said we all laughed.

"I can actually rap" she said proudly

"Damn that's really awesome can we hear a couple lines." Sam asked.

"Here let me show it it's too loud to do all that you won't hear well" she pulled out her phone and showed us her rapping skills and damn we all were very impressed.

"Holy shit y/n that's incredible!" Corey said.

"Yeah I actually made it on tv small thing I can rap up to 14.5 syllables a second" she said.

"That's impressive man" I said.

"Thanks!" She said

"You're only how old" jake asked.

"12" we all were in complete shock.

"Dude we gotta be friends what's your Instagram I'm adding you" Corey pulled out his phone along with Jake Sam and me. We all followed her she had a decent amount of following.

"Well it's great to meet you y/n we should collab one day if it's okay with your parents" Corey said. She nodded.

"Hey y/n do you want a picture?" I asked.

"No I'm good I think it's better I like to rather talk that do all that I'm not a big camera person" she said.

"You should be you're amazing man" Sam said.

"Well I'll catch you guys later!" She said she grabbed her skateboard from the side and saluted us and rode away. We all looked at eachother.

"Dude that was the coolest 12 year old I've ever met" Jake said.

"That was the coolest person I've met" I said laughing.

Well I guess not all fans are crazy and shy

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