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Kili, is this smart?" Fili asks.

"Gandalf said that the hobbit is adventurous," Kili says. He knocks. You open the door.

"Fili," Fili says.

"And Kili," Kili says.

"At your service," they both say.

"Y/N Baggins at yours. May I help you?" you ask.

"Can we come in?" he asks.

"Yeah. Sure. Set your stuff down over there," you say letting them in.

"So, what brings Dwarves to Bag End?" you ask.

"We were in the area," Fili says.

"If you're looking for Bilbo, he's not here," you say from the kitchen.

"What is your relationship with Mr. Baggins?" he asks.

"He's my father," you say.

"Why isn't he here?" Kili asks.

"Family issues. The Took side of our family never knows when to leave an issue alone," you say chuckling lightly.

"Do you have any family?" you ask.

"Yes. An uncle and a mother," he says.

"Ah," you say looking at a picture of your grandfather and grandmother.

"Who are they?" Fili asks.

"Grandfather Baggins and Grandmother Baggins," you say.

-After letting in a bunch more of Dwarves plus a wizard-

"Far over the misty mountains cold, To dungeons deep and caverns old, We must away, ere break of day, To find our long-forgotten gold. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night, The fire was red, it flaming spread, The trees like torches blazed with light," Thorin says.

"Misty Mountains Cold," you say.

"You know that song?" Kili asks.

"Yeah. Whenever Gandalf would visit my father, he would sing that part to help me sleep. I haven't heard a dwarf sing it," you explain.

"It's like a childhood song for you then," he says.

"Yeah. I've always wondered what it meant, now I do know," you say.

"An understanding Hobbit," Dwalin says.

"I understand that your home is important to you and you want it back," you say.

-Time skip to Woodland Realm-

"Don't lock her up, I want to speak with her," Thranduil says. The guard that has my arm leads me up to the throne room.

"You wanted to see me," you say softly.

"No need to be shy," he says lightly.

"Why did you want to talk?" you ask.

"I just want to know something," he says.

"Ask," you say.

"First, what race are you?" he asks.

"A hobbit," you answer. He nods.

"Second, why are you traveling with dwarves?" he asks.

"They were originally waiting for Bilbo Baggins, my father. Besides, I get an adventure out of it," you say.

"You are honest. Keep that up," he says.

"I will," you say. The thing is, he doesn't know you have the keys. The guard leads you to the cells.

"Where is she?" Kili asks. You sit down next to his cell.

"Hi," you say.

"You're alive," he says.

"Of course I am, Kili. The guy doesn't scare me," you say. Thranduil let them go.

-Time skip to Battle of The Five Armies-

The armies are the Orcs, the Elves, the Dwarves, the Men, and the animals.

"We need to leave. We all need to leave," you say.

"We only just got here," Bofur says.

"I've tried talking to him. He won't rest, he won't eat. I think there is a sickness upon this place," you say.

"Sickness? What kind of sickness?" Kili asks.

"I don't know," you say and follow Fili.


"Fili, Kili, and Y/N go to the towers. If you see anything, report back," Thorin says. You three nod. You ran towards the tower, hoping to not find any Orcs. All of a sudden Fili is up in the air. You and Kili look up to see an Orc holding him up in the air. The Orc yells something in Black Speech. (I'm sorry if this is boring.) The Orc then drops Fili from the height, killing him on impact. You and Kili growl. You two run up to the second floor and fight some Orcs. You hear a scream. Kili!

"KILI!" you yell. You yell his name a few more times before you get an answer.

"Y/N!" Kili yells back. You run to his voice, only to see an Orc standing over him.

"NO!" you scream. That distracted the Orc for a few minutes, then turned back to Kili.

"Today, the Durin line ends," he says.

"NO!" you scream again as the Orc stabs Kili, thus, ending the dwarf's life.

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