Chasing The Sun

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I walked through the bustling market, heading towards the even busier dock. Sailors were preparing to set sail to find the King's lost treasure. The smell of wild boar roasting over fire and the pungent aroma of exotic fruits filled the air, raiding my senses. Lunchtime. 

"Oi, ain't yer goin' to ride the waves?" a voice yelled from somewhere above my head. 

"And aimlessly chase the sun? I think I'll pass," I replied, not even bothering to look up. I already  chase it all day, but 'the sun' doesn't know it. A grunt, then feet landed heavily with a thud on the wood behind me. A heavy arm swung onto my shoulders as a deep, raspy voice sounded beside my ear. 

"Come on, lad! This ain't like ya! I know how much ya like adventure," Sorin said as he pushed away stray strands of red hair from his face. 

"Well, if you know me, then you also know how I have my own ways," I laughed as I removed his arm from off my shoulders and turned to look at him. 

"True... But yer-"

"And drop the accent, it's unbecoming," I cut him. 

"...Fine," he pouted. 

"Good boy," I smiled sweetly and rubbed his hairy chin. His beard felt prickly against my palm and tickled, but I didn't pull back. He batted it away, albeit playfully. I walked to the end of the dock and sat down, feet dangling. Sorin came and sat beside me as we looked out at the open ocean. Curiosity getting the better of him, he turned to me and asked, 

"So aren't you really going to look for the treasure? You know the King said to report at moonrise, right?" 

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked as I beckoned him closer with my finger. "I believe the treasure is right here, on this island," I whispered. 

"How so?" he said, completely intrigued. 

"You see, I believe the thief knew that when the King would announce it missing, almost all the sailors would turn to sea, and nobody would think of looking here," I explained. 

"Lucien, you sly fox!" Sorin roared in laughter. I shushed him, not wanting any attention. 

"So? What do you say?" I asked after he calmed down. 

"Count me in," he said determinedly. I was glad he agreed, because I was going to need him.
We sat there, watching all the other sailors set sail as we waited for dusk to set my plan in motion. 


"This way," I whispered as we crept in between houses, making our way to the King's assistant's house. We kept on pressing forwards as I led the way, jumping over gutters and ducking under windows. Just before we turned a corner, I heard footsteps approaching from the other side. I turned around to warn Sorin but instead ended up bumping into him. Heat rising to my cheeks, I looked down and signaled for him to wait.
He smirked, the idiot, and plastered his huge body against the wall as best as he could. After making sure that the coast was clear, we continued on until we reached Jaromir's house. Crouching low, I slowly peeked through the glass to see if he was there. He was, and to my delight, he had it in his hands. 

"Okay, he has it," I said to Sorin as I slid down the wall and squatted beside him. 

"That's good, but what is 'it'?" he questioned as he gave me a perplexed look. I had a good guess as to what the treasure was, but I kept it secret from him until I was sure. 

"Patience, dear boy. You'll know soon enough," I whispered, patting his knee. 

"Very funny, grey," he retorted, referring to my eye colour. "And stop calling me 'boy'. I am 24 as you're only 22," he added. I simply chuckled in response. 

Chasing The SunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora