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"I am so freaking embarrassed." Miranda  said the next morning coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"Embarrassed about what?" Ben asked confused putting on his shirt.

"Last night. My ex husband I'm sure heard me having sex with another man."

"Yeah he heard you. The whole damn apartment building heard you." Ben smirked.

Miranda rolled her eyes and walked into her closet. She slid on some jeans that she could button and a nice top.

She opened her bedroom door and walked out. Making her way to the kitchen. Miranda looked up as Tucker was putting papers into a black bag.

"Good morning." Tucker said looking up as Miranda and Ben walked in.

"Good morning." Miranda said clearing her throat.

"Sorry if we kept you up last night."  Ben said  smugly.

Miranda gasped and her mouth flew open. "Benjamin Warren." She shouted punching his arm hard.

"What?" He said nonchalantly.

Miranda cleared her throat loudly before speaking. "Here's a key , I get off late tonight." Miranda said handing Tucker a spare key.

Tucker took the key and pulled out his key chain and added it.

Miranda watched him fumble with his neck tie.

"Here let me help you." Miranda said softly walking closer.

She straighten the collar on his shirt before pulling the tie around and tying it.

"You smell good." Tucker complimented.
"Thank you." She smiled softly. Miranda heard Ben let out a low growl.

"Okay and all done." She said pulling it tightly.

"Thank you for that." Tucker smiled rubbing her hand.

"No problem. Come on Ben so we can have enough time to go get a croissant sandwich from shell’s cafe."

Ben drove silently and picked up their food. Miranda ate her food humming softly.

Pulling up at the hospital,  Ben helped Miranda out of the car and put his hand on the small of her back.

The stares and whispering didn't go unnoticed by Ben and Miranda.

“Damn new spreads fast in this rumor mill of a hospital.” Miranda said rolling her eyes.

“who do you think said something first?” Ben asked.

“I have 100 dollars on Mark.” Miranda giggled

“I was going to say Mark too. What time do you get off?”

“I have a double shift. I get off at 12 am.”

“Miranda.” Ben complained.

“Benjamin, I haven’t worked my full capacity since I got pregnant. I have to do my job. I have to set the standard that I can be a pregnant surgeon and in a few months a surgeon who is a mother.”

“You are superwoman.” Ben encouraged blowing out a breath.

“Ooh say it again.” She smiled

“You are superwoman Dr. Miranda Bailey.”

“Thank you. Now go and have a great day.” Miranda said sweetly.

“Okay I will check on you later though.”

“I figured Benjamin.”

Ben left the attending’s lounge and went to start rounds. As he was walking through Melanie walked up beside him getting into step with him.

She heard the rumors that Ben and Dr. Bailey were having a baby together. She wondered if it was true. He told her they were just best friends when she asked.

“I hear um congratulations are in order.” She stated.

Ben looked over and said “yeah… thank you.”

“Do you mind if I ask?... I thought you said that Dr. Bailey was just your friend.”

“She is.”

“But you’re having a baby together?” she challenged.

Ben rubbed his head trying to figure out how to respond. “She is my best friend, and she wanted a baby and so did I.”

“Oh, okay wow. That’s very admirable.”

“what’s very admirable.” Ben asked confused.

“You, having a baby with your best friend.” She answered.

Ben honestly did want to have this conversation with her.

“Do you want to grab drinks tonight?”

“I will let you know.” he responded and she nodded.

Miranda used the bathroom for the third time today.  Walking out she began washing her hands.

She looked up into the mirror at the stalls as she heard a flush and someone was coming out.

Miranda looked Melanie over before continuing to wash her hands.

"Your Dr.Bailey right? Ben's best friend?" Melanie smiled lightly before she cut the water on.

"That would be me." Miranda stated wondering where this was going.

"It's nice meeting you. Ben talks about you all the time." Melanie stated.

"Well I can't say the same. Who are you?" Miranda asked in a serious tone.

Melanie eyes widened and she looked down before speaking again.

"I'm sorry. I'm Dr. Melanie Anderson an anesthesiologist. I have been seeing Ben for a few weeks.

Miranda wanted to roll her eyes at her statement, but she just nodded.

"That was so sweet of him to help you out with your situation."

"What are you talking about?" Miranda asked while drying her hands and throwing the paper towel away.

"To be your donor." She clarified whispering.

"My donor?" She asked confused putting her hand on her hip.

"For your baby. A sperm donor." Melanie said gesturing towards her belly.

Miranda eyes became wide like saucers. Her eyebrow instinctively raised and she gritted her teeth.

"Is that what he told you?" Miranda asked nose flaring.

The woman had a glint in her eye as she nodded. Miranda studied her face.

"Well that's funny. I guess he's still donating." Miranda shrugged grabbing onto the door handle. Melanie's face twisted into confusion.

"He donated a few times last night." Miranda sneered. She watched her eyes widened and she wanted to smirk , but she just opened the door and walked away before she got into an altercation with this woman.

Miranda was fuming. She didn't think she had ever been this mad in her entire life.

Everyone noticed and felt the wrath of Miranda today. Most interns and residents were shying away and tried not to screw up.

Ben saw Miranda walking down the hallway and he called her name.

"Dr. Bailey." Ben said professionally. Miranda turn to look at him before she kept walking.

"Miranda." Ben called catching up to her. He reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me." Miranda responded yanking her arm out of his hold.

She began to walk away from him again and Ben sighed. Pulling her he lifted her up bridal style and walked to the closest conference room.

"Put me down now. This is unprofessional in the work place. " She yelled struggling against him.

"No, not until you tell me What's wrong with you?" Ben huffed closing the conference room door with his foot.

He sat her down and watched as she pulled her shirt down and fixed her white coat angrily.

"What is wrong with me?! No, what the hell is wrong with you." She gritted pointing her finger in his face.

"Miranda I don't understand. Did I do something wrong." He asked confused staring down at the short woman.

"You told that woman, that you did me a favor and became my sperm donor?"

"I did What?!" Ben asked shocked.

"According to the ditzy Dr. Melanie Anderson who approached me earlier. You did me a favor, by getting me pregnant."

"Is this what this was for you." Miranda yelled now poking him hard in his chest.

"I did not ask you for a favor or this. You asked me for this baby. This was your bright idea." Miranda said gesturing to her belly.

Ben shook his head and grabbed her by her waist while he was leaning back into the conference table.

"Get off of me." She said sternly popping his hand.
"Why does she feel comfortable enough to even step to me and discuss my personal business. I don't ever what to be a topic of you all’s conversation."

"Miranda listen to everything you just said. It doesn't even make since. I never told that woman that.  I would never utter that out my mouth. Like you said it was my idea and I love this baby that we created."

Miranda nodded listening to him.
"Well if you like her. I can guarantee that yall wont be getting together." She responded pursing her lips.

Ben raised his eyebrow waiting on her to elaborate.

"I told her that you were still donating sperm and you donated more than once last night."

Ben laughed loudly causing Miranda to join in and laugh as well.

"There wont be no getting together and I never liked her in that manner anyway. I was literally just hanging out with her as a friend, since she didn't have any yet. I'm actually pissed as hell that she would say that to you."

Miranda watched as Ben stood up straight and started walking towards the door. She could see the vein in his neck bulging and his jaw set. "What are you getting ready to do? She asked curiously grabbing his hand.

"I'm going to go check her on that. She doesn't have a right to be funny nor disrespect you." Ben said angrily after everything really set in.

"Ben it's okay leave it alone. Plus she probably working or in a surgery."

"No, I know she is not. I made her schedule." Ben said checking his watch. "she should be finishing rounds."

Miranda licked her lips turned on tremendously, her pregnancy hormones beginning to rage.

Her not paying attention she looked up as the door shut. Miranda's mouth gaped open as she opened the door looking for him.

"Excuse me did you see which way Dr. Warren went? Miranda asked the nurse walking past.

He turned down that hallway I think he is going to the attending’s lounge." She answered sweetly.

"Thank you." She responded waddling off in that direction.

Miranda made it to the door and looked inside the glass window. She could see that it was only Ben and the woman inside talking. She stood watching Ben stand defensively in front of the woman as he crossed his arms.

She honestly wished she would have move faster and was on the inside of the room to hear.

Miranda jumped when the door open and Ben walked out passed her. How the hell did he not see her standing there she was as wide as she is tall.

She glanced into the room and smirked looking at Melanie. She sent her a dramatic wink and walked in the other direction.

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