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"Ben get up she is crying." Miranda said sleepily

"Why do I have to get up? I have nothing she wants." He groaned.

"What?" She asked sitting up annoyed.

"She wants your breast." Ben explained and Miranda clicked her teeth.

"Exactly, so go get her and bring her to me."

"Why don't we just keep her in here with us?" Ben asked sitting up.

"She needs to get use to it and you’re only staying here temporarily."

Miranda heard her baby crying louder "Benjamin go get here. You're stressing her out."

Ben got up and walked over to the nursery. "Hi princess I'm sorry." He said picking her up. He grabbed a diaper and wipes walking back across the hall.

"Hi mommy's baby." Miranda cooed. "Daddy stressing you out... mmmhm... me too." She said sweetly laying her in her arms.

India cried softly as her tears fell.

"I know it. I'm coming. I know your hungry sweetie." Miranda sung softly.

Miranda sat up some and Ben moved a pillow behind her back. She took her left breast out and helped her latch on.

Ben smiled in amazement. He's seen her do it dozens of times, but it was still amazing. She was amazing.

"You’re amazing." Ben commented dreamlike.

"Thank you. You say that every time."

"Because it's true. You're amazing and now an amazing mother."

"Well, I think you are an amazing father thus far and I can't wait to go on this parenthood journey with you."

"Yeah, I'm excited to grow with you and our kids.

"Kids..." Miranda said looking at India greedily sucking her nipple.

"Yeah, when you have our son." Ben said seriously.

"You want another baby and with me?" Miranda asked confused.

"Yes, I told you this."

"Ben, we need to handle this baby first. And by the time I would want another child. I'm sure we both will be in relationships."

Ben rolled his eyes. "I don't want no one else to carry my baby. I mean look at India. These gene combinations were perfect."

"You are right about that." Miranda smiled.

The first 3 months they did as planned. Ben stayed with her so they could take care of India together, while she was on maternity leave. Now that she wasn't on maternity leave any more and pumping instead of breastfeeding it was time for her and Ben to start switching off on days. She was nervous to say the least. She hadn't been without her baby ever except work and even then, she visited her constantly and picked her up to go home at night.

"You got everything?" Miranda asked as he grabbed India’s car seat.

"Yes, I think so."

"You think?" Miranda shrieked grabbing her diaper bag to check. "Do you need more milk?"

"I have enough milk. For tonight and tomorrow." He responded.

"Okay. I'm going to pump some more tonight for daycare."

"Okay. We are all set then." Ben said.

"Alright. I miss you already mommy's pretty girl." She sung happily kissing all over her face. "I love you." She cooed.

Ben could tell by the sound of her voice that she was on the verge of tears and wasn't trying to show it.

Miranda placed her in the car seat and fastened the straps on her. Ben lifted her up and hugged Miranda goodbye.

"I'm going to call you when we get home."

"Ok." Miranda said shakily.

Ben took two steps before Miranda burst into tears.

"Miranda what's wrong?" He asked turning back to face her sitting the car seat down.

"I don't know, maybe I should come too." She cried.

"Miranda, you have to get use to her being away from you."

"I know, but now? She is so little and fragile, she needs me. And besides I don't want to be here by myself when you both are going to be across town."

Ben sighed and Miranda raised her eyebrow. "Is there a problem with me being in your apartment with you?" She asked quickly.

"Of course not, it just defeats the purpose." He explained.

"Ugh. I guess you are right. Go ahead leave me here then."

"Miranda don't say it like that." Ben whined rubbing her arm.

"I'm serious. Go ahead you're right I need to get use to it." She stated seriously.

"Alright. I love you and I will see you at work tomorrow."

"I love you too. Take care of my baby."

"She is in good hands with her father." He chuckled.

"I know."

Ben left and he did as told calling Miranda when he got home. They stayed on the phone for hours while she pumped.

At 2:30 am her phone blared and vibrated loudly waking her up. Seeing Ben's name, she sat up quickly.

"Hello." Miranda replied groggy.

"Miranda she won't take the bottle." Ben told her holding a crying India and his phone to his ear.

"What do you mean? She's been doing good with the bottles for the past two weeks."

"I know that, but she won't drink it." He insisted.

"Did you squeeze milk out and put it to her lips." She asked thinking.

"Yep, I tried that too." Ben said frustrated.

"Okay um. Hold the bottle tilted like it's my breast and instead of putting it in her mouth encouraged her to latch on."


"Mimic Breast feeding." Miranda stated seriously.

"Miranda, do you think I know how to Breast feed?" He huffed.

"Benjamin. That's why I'm instructing you. Hurry up. Sit back on the bed take your shirt off and do what I tell you." She snapped.

Ben called Miranda on FaceTime and she laughed looking at him, but her heart was ultimately hurting hearing her baby cry.

"Hold the phone up to her so she can see me." Ben did as instructed.

"Hi mommy's angel, why are you being fussy for daddy.... you miss me, well I miss you too so much."

"Okay Ben angle the bottle to her lips but lay her face against your chest and arm. Then cradle her head and instead of putting the bottle in her mouth, rub the nipple back and forth on her lips until she opens up her mouth."

When India finally started drinking Ben sighed and laid back against the head board.

"Good girl." Miranda smiled then checked the time, 3 am. She started singing and before she knew it Ben and India were asleep.

She hung up the phone and rolled over catching her sleep as well.

"Thanks for this morning." Ben told her at the daycare as she dropped off the milk.

"We're partners. I got your back." She smiled.

"You want to go out to dinner tonight."

"Of course. Let's go to the district I want soul food."

"Do we have to get photos taken?" Ben asked as he pulled up.

"Yes." Miranda huffed. "We only have newborn pictures of her and we need family portraits."

"Okay." He agreed.

"Why would you wait till we arrived to ask. We are already dress and here."

"I was just asking."

"Well, it was a dumb question. Grab India and I'll get her bag."

They walked in holding hands and met the photographer.

Hello there. Just on time," the photographer said.

"I'm glad we made it," Miranda said.

"Well, let's get down to business. First things first you need to chose your background." She handed them a book filled with many backgrounds. One was a tree with the sun starting to rise, another one was a bunch of colorful flowers in a field, and another was a grassy field with millions of butterflies flying through. Ben thought they could have been manlier but what was he to complain? It was a family photo after all. Miranda scrunched her nose up and flipped to the solid-colored back grounds. She chose a basic black background to match with their outfits calling it a classy look.

Ben was dressed in all black with tan shoes, while Miranda had a black long sleeve shirt on and a tan plaid pencil skirt that was too tight if he had anything to say about with black heels. India had on a long-sleeved black onesie with a tan plaid overall dress on.

"There we go. Now please come forward," said the woman. The family walked over to the background and the woman hurried over to grab her camera.

"I feel like we should do a couple of group photos first. Then it'll be mother and daughter, father and daughter, then the baby girl alone. I also feel like we should take some photos of mom and dad alone. Is that ok?" asked the photographer.

"Sounds like a plan," Miranda said eagerly. The photographer smiled and motioned for the family to come inwards.

"Okay turn facing each other and rest your foreheads against one another. Hold India between you two vertically and the both of you look down at her smiling.

Doing as told, the photographer shouted perfect as she took several photos.

"Now stay in the same position, but this time move India up so her back is resting against her dad’s chest. Miranda, you kiss her forehead and Ben you lean down and kiss Miranda's."

"Perfect." She shouted once again capturing these as well.

After all of the photos were done the photographer reviewed them all. She was glad to see they all came out just like she planned.

The family got ready to go back home after a day of taking photos. "The photos will be ready in two weeks," she reminded them.

"Thank you," Ben said.

"You're welcome. You're very photogenic. You should consider taking more and some headshots." She smiled and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"Let's go Mr. Model." She said forcefully in his ear gripping his side.

"I'm coming." Ben chuckled.

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