Chapter Five

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Miles didn't know how many times he would have to tell himself before he did it, but he needed to wear his suit under his clothes instead of keeping it in his suitcase. That was his first thought when he slipped open the window leading out of the boys' bathroom. He changed in one of the stalls, not wanting to undress on the roof as he did a few days ago. He also had didn't have enough room in his suitcase to put all his clothes in it.

He had his hoodie on, hood over his head to do some protection against the cold air. He also had his green jeans on, though he managed to stuff just his shoes in his suitcase, what he was wearing being too thick. So, he crawled out of the bathroom onto the outer wall of the dorms fitted with a blue hoodie, hood up just for the fun of it, and camo jeans, all over his actual suit. It wasn't the worst thing, and it's not like he was planning on fighting. He was just going to do some investigating. With Peter.

Oh boy.

Miles slowly climbed to the top of the dormitories and dropped his suitcase on the ground. He stared up while stretching his arms out over his head. It was sprinkling. He could feel the light raindrops fall on the mask of his suit and the thin gloves of it as well. It felt refreshing. He also didn't want to be stuck out here if it started pouring though, so he looked off the edge of the roof out past the school fence, and into the mile-high buildings of New York. He shook off his hands before running to the edge, immediately diving off but holding up a hand just in time, catching a light post right outside the fence with it before he hit the ground.

His feet slammed against the fence before he could smash into it, but started sprinting up it and jumping off the top to try and not lose speed. Yet another web was flung out and he was in the air. It never got old. He thought it was too bad Oscorp Industries wasn't too far away from his school. No doubt Peter knew that, and he was waiting. Great.

Miles loved Peter, he did. He wasn't dreading doing some investigating with Peter. It was just a lot of pressure. Peter was a genius, no doubt about that. Miles was too, but Miles was in a school that tagged that title onto him. It put a lot of weight on him, made him feel as if he constantly had to prove he earned the right to be there. Now, Peter and Miles are doing something that relies on smarts. Miles was just hoping Peter was going to use this as a lesson more so than having Miles figure everything out from scratch.

Miles caught a glimpse of the large skyscraper with large letters spelling 'Oscorp' in white going down the side of the building at the corner. Miles dropped out of the air and rolled as he hit the ground, quickly getting up to his feet again afterwards. He ran to the front door, saying a quick "Sorry" to a girl he ran past as he sprinted through the front lobby. It was obvious where he needed to go, to the left of the entrance past the front desk there was police tape covering the hallway, a few officers too.

Miles turned that way, "Afternoon officers!" And before they could look back to see him he had gone invisible and easily jumped up over the tape without knocking it down. He didn't want to show himself to the police just in case they weren't exactly okay with Peter and him tampering with evidence, but hey, saying afternoon was just common courtesy. Miles ended up going down a few flights of stairs, getting to this large lab with a few people in white coats and plenty of officers. He stayed as quiet as possible and away from as many people as he could so someone wouldn't make an erratic movement and bump into him. When getting to the large lab though, he immediately looked up.

Just as Miles suspected, there was a red and blue spot on the ceiling, slowly crawling around. Miles guessed the police didn't know they'd be in here then. Miles moved to immediately run up the closest wall, jumping off it and just barely catching the ceiling with his fingers. He pulled himself up so his feet were on it afterwards, and made his way to Peter. Peter seemed to be, at least attempting as good as he could from the ceiling, eavesdropping. Miles himself couldn't hear much of what the officers were saying, but that probably meant they wouldn't be able to hear Miles and Peter if they whispered a bit, "Hey, I made it," Miles appeared right next to Peter, letting his camouflage fall.

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