Chapter Three

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Miles climbed up the side of the peeling faux brick wall of his apartment building, pulling himself up over the ledge of the roof without a struggle. Miles didn't want to make Ganke feel awkward with him changing in his room, but at the time he didn't realize that changing on the roof wasn't such a good idea either. Miles had already debated just wearing his suit under his clothes all the time, even if it chafes his skin, he doesn't want someone to get hurt just because he had to change before going.

And at that thought, Miles got to the middle of the roof, pulling his shirt over his head to throw it to the side, immediately shivering at the feeling of the nighttime Brooklyn air in fall. It was near frigid, but it didn't stop Miles from pulling off his pants as well and throwing them with his shirt, kicking off his sneakers first though. He was glad he didn't have to worry about his web-shooters since they were already on his wrists when he left the dorm later that day. He got down to his knees though to click open his suitcase, the lid popping up before he quickly to pulled out his suit, the red part practically glowing since the sun had almost fully set by this time. He stuck his legs into the suit first, getting it up to his neck before grabbing his mask from the suitcase and shoving it over his head in a hurry, forgetting his usual tradition of pulling on his mask first in case anyone caught him changing into his suit.

Miles turned to face the street, wasting no time while holding up his hand and shooting out a web, grabbing the string as he watched it attach itself to the tallest building Miles could get before jumping off the roof. He swung down, dangerously close to the street so that he had to bend his legs when he got close, before shooting off and into the air. This is when he heard the small buzzing in his ear again. He quickly moved his free hand up to his earpiece, guessing Ganke was watching from the window to see when Miles got finished dressing, "Hey, my clothes are on the roof- can you get them so no one goes up there and thinks someone stripped down to their underwear up there and then ran off or something?"

Miles was happy to hear a laugh from Ganke on the other side of the line, even if it was a bit weak and quiet. Miles knew Ganke liked to laugh when he was feeling down or off, especially when coming down from the verge of an asthma attack. Miles just hoped he was coming down from the feeling, "I mean, that is what happened."

"Well I don't want anybody to think it happened," Miles swung suddenly high into the air as he went over the Manhattan Bridge. Miles memorized where Ganke's father's apartment was because he snuck in a few times when Ganke was grounded for seemingly nothing. It was a lot farther away, but manageable when you were Spider-Man. He had to go over the Manhattan bridge then go to turn right at the Museum at Eldridge Street, go over Central Park which was a lot farther into Manhattan but easy to spot, and into Harlem. It was right past a park named Marcus Garvey Park, surrounded by some smaller buildings just like Miles' apartment. Miles had no idea why Scorpion would be holding up that area, but there was only one way to find out.

It wasn't long before Miles flew past the museum and high into the sky, he could see the bottoms of some of the skyscrapers lighting red and blue. Miles thought that Jeff must've called in some local officers because Miles knew he was much closer to the scene now than his dad. Miles traveled fast in the air, now going over Central Park only a few short minutes after passing the museum. This is when his earpiece started buzzing once more making him sigh, "Ganke, Peter's calling me. I've gotta hang up, but I'll call back right after."

There was some shuffling on the other side of the line, or maybe it was the wind as he dived down closer to the trees of the park, attaching webs to some that he passed to launch himself back up once more, "Alright, man."

Ganke hung up right after that, surprising Miles slightly though if anything it was to his convenience. He pushed on his earpiece and didn't get a word in before Peter spoke up, "Miles where are you? There's this thing with Scorpion at-"

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