Chapter 7

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BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZHAN-GE! Last chapter was supposed to be uploaded right on his birthday but I forgot because I was already too excited to post it. 🥲 Anyway, I just died from all his birthday pictures and candies! And also just awhile ago, Yibo posted new hot pictures! Gaaahh! They're so killing me!

Well okay! Fuck!

He's in love with Wang Yibo.

And he wants the younger alpha to love him too and become exclusive.

But the question is... how?

"I was surprised you suddenly want to meet up. I was expecting to have a proper closure with you but... did I mishear you when you asked me just now about your love problems?"

Two men were seated by the counter. They were in an exclusive underground bar chosen by Xiao Zhan because it had tight security and had enough privacy in a semi-public place.

"But I don't know what to do! I never pursued anyone and you were the only boyfriend I had. Can you please just help me, Chuyue?"

Peng Chuyue, Xiao Zhan's ex-boyfriend, raised his eyebrows. "You're so unbelievable! You have the face to ask me that?"

"Why are you like that ah? Don't you already have someone new? I wanna have a boyfriend too and there's only one person for it. I don't want anybody else."

Peng Chuyue snorted. "You know what, I really wanna punch you for your stupid logic! But I will let that slide off because I really think that you have never fallen in love yet."

"So you're gonna help me?" Xiao Zhan gleamed.

"Shut up! That makes me more mad because that only means you never loved me when we were together."

"That's not true! I really did like you."

Peng Chuyue rolled his eyes. "You had the heart to call to just casually break up with me because you wanted to pursue music in the US."

"Yea, you did like me alright." He added with sarcasm. "Our four years together meant just that much to you."

Xiao Zhan looked down and drew circles on the table.

Peng Chuyue sighed. "Look, I met up with you because I seriously want to have a proper closure and to prove to my boyfriend that I won't change my mind after meeting you again. He's very insecure that my ex is the Red Phoenix. He's a fan of yours."

"Then what if I gave your boyfriend a signed album of mine, would you finally help me?"

Peng Chuyue couldn't control it anymore so he hit Xiao Zhan's head.

"Ouch! What the hell, Chuyue? You're so mean!"

"If the person you want becomes yours, will you be happy?"

"Of course!"

"Then what if he suddenly called and broke up with you because he wanted to do something and go somewhere faraway?"

"What the hell!"

"Yes! It is what the hell. So I have every right to be mean to you! And to be honest, seeing you fall in love for real for the first time angers me because it only proves that back then, you weren't as serious as I was. But at the same time, seeing you suffer from that same love brings joy to me!"


Then there was a long silence.

Xiao Zhan chugged three shots of tequila and Peng Chuyue didn't stop him nor even tried.

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