Running water

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They all stood in a line, holding their guard. Approaching was the enemy. The nation of Vlelior. Known for their violence and their recklessness.  

Up ahead, Kriegs could see catapults loaded and ready to fire. "Catapults..." Argus mumbles. Ever since Argus became king, their advancement in technology and crafts had drastically decreased. 

"Do you have a plan, your majesty?" Kriegs mocks.

"Now is not the time," Argus responds while improvising.

"We'll just have to keep our eyes peeled. Concentrate on not only our enemy but our surroundings!" Argus yells at all the soldiers behind him. All of the soldiers were nervously shaking, for all of them, this is the first war that has happened to Harelon in centuries. Argus was also afraid.

"Don't be so nervous." Kriegs tries to cheer Argus up. 

"How could I not be nervous?"

"I've never lost a war in my life. Keep in mind, I've lived thousands of your lifespan."

"There's always a first..." Argus points his sword to his enemy. 

A woman from Vlelior pushes through the crowd of her troops and points her sword towards Argus. It was official. The war had begun. 


Soldiers from both Vlelior and Harelon were running towards each other, while the archers stayed behind, providing support to their comrades. 

Argus, Kriegs and Andy were at the front, leading these soldiers to their deaths. Vlelior and Harelon's swords collided. People were dying left and right, anywhere you turned there was always going to be a new corpse on the ground. 

Andy wielded a spear, Argus wielded a sword while Kriegs also held a sword. Kriegs swung his battle-axe, killing multiple people at a time per swing. Kriegs was untouchable. 

Even if you manage to surround Kriegs will soldiers, even if there is nowhere left to hide, he would go for the kill.

 After a large slash with his sword which was slightly larger than everyone else's, Kriegs saw three Vlelior soldiers attempting to get a jump attack on him. Quicker than a breath, Kriegs froze everything around him. The three soldiers were stuck, floating in the air, stuck in time. Kriegs prepared his sword and with a singular swing, he sliced all three of the men in half. 

The soldier's blood stained the beautiful flower field. The field of flowers which used to be filled with bright colours, now only displayed the colour of blood. The blood of enemies and comrades. 


Follow the compass, then I'll reach home. Right? That's what father said. Father told Ace to continue following the compass. 

There was one more thing Father said before he parted ways with Ace. "Oh, Ace..."

"Yes?" Ace asked.

"If you find yourself lost in dread and pain, look back to your compass. The compass will guide you back to me." Wil said and greeted his last goodbye for now. 


Chain necklaces aren't made to be on a battlefield. They can fall off easily if you aren't too careful. This is the main reason why Kriegs swapped his chain for a black rope. 

Before Andy pushed her spear into the enemy's flesh, she'd always close her eyes. She was too afraid to see the blood pour down onto the flowers or out of the flesh. 

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