Chapter 5

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I stared down at my long lost sister, who was now sleeping on the couch. Her head was rested on my lap, while her legs lay on Mycroft's. He hadn't argued, though. He was just happy that his sister was finally with them, where she belonged.

Shaking away my thoughts, I held one of her hands close to my heart, seeing as Mycroft held her other one. My free hand was brushing though her hair.

As soon as she had collapsed in my arms only hours before, I had rushed her to the hospital along with Mycroft, John, and...Graham. Lucky, they had found the antidote quickly (mind you I could have found it much faster) and Nardosa was cured. The only thing she needed now was rest.

"So...she's your sister?" Graham asked, standing awkwardly by the door. John was seated in his armchair, looking unsure of what to do as well.

"Yes," I answered, keeping my gaze on my sister. I refused to let her out of my sight. Graham, satisfied with my response, went back to looking around the room.

"When will she wake up?" John was the next to break the silence. No one answered. We had forgotten to ask. Groaning, John stood up from his seat and walked towards the door. "I'll be out if you need me."

Graham followed only minutes later, leaving only Mycroft and I with a sleeping Nardosa. Gradually, she began to wake up.

"Sherlock? Mycroft?" she mumbled, blinking against the harsh light. I tried not to choke on my tears as I watched her. My little sister had grown up so much.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, tears streaming down my face. "I'm never meant it, Nara. I didn't mean to hurt you, I just-" I was cut off by sister wrapping her arms around me and digging her head into my neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Nara repeated, sobbing onto my shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm not like you, and I'm sorry-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Mycroft interrupted, tears threatening to leave his eyes as well. Nara launched herself onto him next, making my brother start to cry as well. Mycroft rubbed her back reassuringly, rocking her back and forth while she clinged to him like a small girl would a doll.

"He's right," I agreed, watching Nara move so that she sat between Mycroft and I. She wiped away her tears, although I could still hear the occasional sniffle on her part. "We're sorry, Nara. We should have never treated you so badly."

"I-It's okay," she replied, fumbling with something in her hand.

"But it's not okay," I persisted, taking her face in my hands and looking her in the eyes. "We are quite possibly the worst brothers in existence. We have ignored you for a good fifteen years. If anyone deserves forgiveness, it is most certainly not us."

"Sherlock," she began, taking my hands into her own and pulling them down onto her lap. "I want forgive you, both of you..." She glanced over at Mycroft and gave him a forced smile before turning back to me. "...but I still need time."

I nodded in understanding, watching her yawn and lean onto my shoulder. I smiled mischievously, making eye contact with Mycroft, who simply looked at me in amusement. Pulling Nara up and off of the couch, I held her in my arms as she squealed and tried to push me away.

"Sherlock!" she shrieked, laughing at my childishness. I smiled, taking her to my room and dropping her onto my bed. She stuck her tongue out at me. In response, I knelt onto the bed and began to tickle her, happy to see her laughing once again.

An hour after we had finished "acting like children" as Mycroft had put it, Nardosa was fast asleep on my bed. A smile creeped up onto both my and Mycroft's face as we watched her.

"You know, caring is a chemical defect found on the losing side," Mycroft told me, glancing over to see my reaction. I sighed, walking out of the room.

"Then I suppose this time we have no chance in winning."

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