Chapter 1

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"Excuse me," I called, running towards a man with graying hair. "Do you know where I can find Detective Inspector Lestrade? I was called this morning, something about needing help at a crime scene?"

"That would be me," the man answered, holding out a hand for me to shake. "Call me whatever you want. That's what everyone else does." I smiled, taking in our surroundings.

We were at an old house surrounded by caution tape, and officers were roaming around, looking around for what I assumed was evidence. Police cars littered the roads nearby, and there seemed to be so much noise that I could barely hear the Detective Inspector speak.

"I'm Eloise," I introduced, falling into step with Lestrade. "But you already knew that."

"Yes, you do seem to be a popular face at crime scenes," he agreed, lifting the tape up so I could go under. "Just curious, why no last name? Family problems?"

"You could say that..."

By now we had reached the door, so he lead me inside to the living room, where a man lay on the floor, covered in blood. A familiar "X" was traced onto his hand, so I lifted it up for the Detective Inspector to see.

"Look up the name Daniels," I told him. "He's your culprit. And no, it wasn't planned, it was just a random murder, his own way of getting his mind off of things."

"You heard her," Lestrade said, nodding to someone standing nearby. When they left, Lestrade turned to face me. "How would you like it if I offered you a job?"

"As what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I continued to look over the man's body, making sure I didn't miss anything.

"Have you ever heard of a consulting detective?" I stiffened.

"Why?" I snapped, turning my attention to him. He frowned, confused at my reaction.

"We need another hand around here, but you wouldn't need to work full time, so..."

"So I'd kind of be like a consulting detective, but not?" Lestrade nodded. Sighing, I looked over my options.

"Well, I suppose I could try it out-"

"Great, meet me at Scotland Yard in two hours." With that said, Lestrade left me to my thoughts as people scurried around me and the dead body lying on the floor.


"Hello?" I asked, leaning over the counter in front of me. "I'm here to see D.I. Lestrade-"

"Over there," the woman directed, pointing to a door not too far away. I slipped inside, shutting the door behind me.

I blinked, looking up at Lestrade, who had just stopped talking with the two men in front of him to look over at the door. The first man was short with graying-blond hair. This must be John Watson, that famous blogger. The second, however, was tall, and was wearing a long trench coat and had dark curls of hair that shook when he twisted around to look at me. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at his familiar face. Noticing my petrified state, he frowned and tried to deduce me. Typical. He couldn't even recognize his own sister.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting," I mumbled, turning to walk back outside. My hand had only just touched the knob when Lestrade shouted out to me.


"What Greg?" I questioned, giving a frustrated sigh. I really didn't want to be here, especially when Sherlock, my youngest older brother, was in the room. He and I did not get along well at all.

"Greg? I thought his name was Graham," Sherlock said, snapping from his thoughts. Smirking, I gave him a look before taking a seat beside him.

"The name's Eloise," I introduced, holding out a hand for Sherlock to shake. Like expected, he scanned over my hand, deep in thought. Rolling my eyes, I turned to John and held my hand out to him instead. Thankfully, he was kind enough to shake it.

"Now, where were we?" Lestrade asked.

"You were telling us about our new partner..." John trailed off.

"Ah, well," Lestrade said, scratching the back of his neck. "That would be where Eloise comes in."

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