Chapter 7

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I awoke with a scream, sweat dripping off my back, and an empty flat. Breathing heavily, I leaned myself against the headboard. For once, I was glad that my brother had warded off my company.

Who knew how he would react having heard that I had nightmares.

Shaking, I pulled myself up and out of the bed, focusing on getting to the kitchen to get some coffee. I hadn't slept well the last few nights. In fact, I hadn't slept at all, with the exception of last night. I hadn't really had a choice though. Mycroft had come over after we visited the crime scene, making sure I was doing well.

He hadn't been so concerned since I was seven, but then again, he was never as concerned as he was now. The events of the last week really had taken their toll on the elder Holmes.

While walking into the kitchen, I found myself greeted with a sight I hadn't expected.

"Sister dear," my brother drawled, messing with his umbrella. I frowned, walking past him towards the coffee maker.

"Brother mine," I greeted, pulling a cup out of the cabinet. I motioned towards the machine, but Mycroft only shook his head. So he wasn't planning on staying long.

"How are you doing?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. "Have you remembered anything of importance?"

Ever since the incident, Mycroft had been trying to find out more from me in regards to my kidnapper. I hadn't been able to tell him much, but he still refused to give up.

"No," I mumbled, meeting his gaze. "But I'd rather not talk about this, Myc."


"Please," I pleaded. "I know you heard me scream. Just let it go, at least for a little while. At least until the nightmares dull down. Alright?"

Mycroft sighed, pulling me in for a hug.

"I can't help but worry about you, little sister," my brother admitted, turning away his face in embarrassment. Smiling, I enjoyed the newfound attention while it lasted.

"It's okay, big brother," I mumbled, leaning my head against his shoulder. "I worry about you sometimes, too."



The faint click of heels echoed throughout the room, making the person in the shadows turn in his chair to face the door.

"I'm home," a particularly feminine voice sung as the owner rounded the corner. The figure turned, smiling at the woman in front of him. "Did you miss me?"

"Dearest Katherine, I missed you as soon as you walked out the door," he replied, standing up and walking towards her. She turned her head slowly, giving the man an innocent look.

"Are you proud of me?" Katherine twirled her caramel colored hair around her finger, pouting like a child. Her bottom lip stuck out slightly and her brown eyes widened, adding to the affect. "Did I do well?"

"You did perfectly, my tigress," the man answered, whispering his response in her ear. She shivered at the feeling of his breath on her neck.

"What should we do now?" Her voice questioned, mischief clearly evident. "Commit a murder, leave another note?"

He grinned, walking towards the window. A murder did sound nice.

"Whatever we do, kitten," he began, looking down at the street below. A certain consulting detective was walking down the sidewalk with his blogger and his sister trailing behind him. "Remember to always obey your Master."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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