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to my love,

my parents took me to visit my new school today, it reeked of  opulence and extravagance. the sheer beauty of it burned my eyes, and i felt like a filthy stain against the sun lit wood panels. i would have done anything at that moment to be by your side; to feel your weathered palms against mine, to inhale the alpine forests embedded in your veins, to hear the squeak of our shoes against the linoleum floors. i felt displaced in the new school, i knew i didn't belong here.

the pitiful stares, the crisply ironed uniforms, the hushed whispers- all of them screamed that i should not be here. the viscous feeling of unfamiliarity trickled down my throat; i wanted to be around someone familiar, someone who felt like home. i wanted you. but i can't have you, can i?

for some reason everyone at the new school, from the teachers to the students had undiluted commiseration oozing out of their eyes whenever they saw me. it confused to me, to see them like this. i wonder what happened to me, no one is ready to give me answers. i have to remember what happened, i need to make sense of these broken memories that warp around me like thundering storm clouds and make my skin bloom with unassailable frost.

i'll find a way to figure out what happened, i'll find a way to make everything between us right. i would do anything to have your heart in line with mine. i know i sound pitiful and pathetic (maybe that's why they kept on staring at me, they knew how wretched my mind was); but i want you. i want us.

to my dearest darling |✓Where stories live. Discover now