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Personal info // Appearance

Name: Y/N L/N
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: October 17
Sexuality: Bisexual / Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her

Hair color: H/c
Eye color: E/c
Skin color: S/t

Height: 5' 4" (162.56 cm)
Weight: (Your weight) Keep in mind that Y/n was raised and trained by hawks, so she is quite fit.

Occupation: U-A Student
Class: 1-A


Y/n has never been the type of person to have many friends, she always thought they were a waste of time because she didn't want to get hurt. She comes off harsh and rude to others. She's calm and doesn't usually talk to people unless they to her talk first. Not knowing how to trust the right people, but she has a soft and kind heart, that she only shows to the people that manage to break down her strong walls.


Quirk Name: Curse's/spells

Quirk description

This quirk allows Y/n to be able to cast curse's/spells on people, but it isn't as dark and villainous as it sounds. Some of the spells she can place can make physical things, like weapons or supplies for example. She just needs to know and learn how to use the right words and the right movements with her hands and body. She is also able to use different spells to get people to talk, stay silent, stop moving, start moving, etc. She can even cast spells on herself, making herself have almost any quirk she wants for up to 10-15 minutes. Y/n typically casts spells because they do not last forever, but curses do. Curse's are strong and stay, no matter how hard Y/n or anyone else tries to reverse them. They are very dangerous and always go wrong somehow. Karma becomes a real close friend.
Sometimes her quirk gets out of control making anything she touches decay, disintegrating it to dust, and when that happens her eyes turn red or purple. And anything that decays, she can't undo.

Side effects

When she uses her quirk too much she can lose her voice, by saying and casting the spells. She can pass out, have nose bleeds and develop sore throat. She can lose significant amounts of energy and strength, along with the ability to move her body. This can cause the loss of control of spells if they are not un-casted properly before serious injury. She can begin hearing faint whispers that encourage curses as well, but they go away if she ignores them for long enough.

When Y/n uses too many spells at once they can turn into curses without her knowing. When she's significantly mad and upset anything she touches will disintegrate, without her noticing when it activates.


Y/n grew up with no parents, being abandoned by her brother at age 3, her brother just happens to be Shigaraki. But she knows he did it out of fear of hurting her after killing both of their parents, so she does not hate him. Although she hates him for his choices of being a villain.

She knows she could have helped him if he had just stayed, but she can't change the past. Now at the age of 16 years old, she has been raised by hawks after he had found her on the side of the road at age 7. She definitely did not trust the bird-looking man at first.

But now he is her father figure, he trained and raised her, so she is ready for anything. She is also very good friends with many pro hero's. For example, Rumi, Best Genius, Toshinori, etc. She is experienced enough that she could become a pro hero already, at 16 years old. Making her the youngest pro-hero in the world. But instead, Keigo puts you in UA in hopes that you will have a chance to have a normal teenaged life.

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