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Y/n's youth story

Most of this story takes place when Y/n is 7 years old!

Warning, more than 8 thousand words.

The moon shines bright, in the abandoned ally way. Although you can only see darkness ahead. There were no sounds but the crunch of the twigs and rocks under footsteps, and soft sobs.
"I'm so sorry Y/n," he trembled with a shaky voice. "I can't lose you too." The blue-haired boy kept his arm hooked around yours as he continued to lead the way. His hands were clenched in fists and he was careful not to touch you with either of his hands.

"Someone good will find you, they'll take good care of you. I promise. I can't continue to take care of you anymore, little sister." You could hear the pain in his voice as he forcefully lead you to where you guys were going, you kept walking and say nothing. After all you were only 3 years old, you didn't know what exactly happened with your parents or where you were going.

You could only remember the screams, the tears, the fear, and then they were gone.

You just trusted Tomura to take you two somewhere safe.

He took you to an even darker ally, one right next to the loud city. Your tired eyes slowly adjusted, but you could no longer see a thing except the the lights from tall sky scrapers and stars. The moon was covered by a bundle of clouds and the chilly wind blew through your hair.

"Sit down," he demanded, his voice made you jump and you stood still when he unhooked his arm from yours carefully.

"I'm going to go grab something okay? I'll be right back, I promise. I love you." He kneeled in front of you, tears in his eyes. "Okay, Tomura," you mumbled, and that's the last words you ever heard from him.

After waiting in the cold dark ally for about 3 hours you finally stood up, worried that Tomura got hurt somewhere. Every sound you heard and your own shadow made you jump or cry. You walked around the streets looking for him, hoping that your eyes would eventually land on his blue hair and everything would be okay.
But you didn't find him, he's was gone.

You wrapped your hands around your upper arms in attempt to stay warm in the cold autumn Japan weather. Your lips trembled while you walked around trying to find any type of shelter, still having hope your brother would come back.

But he never did.

You had to live off scraps and rely on stealing food from stores and restaurants for years. Being attacked but placing whatever curses, spells or turning people to dust that try to hurt you. You never wanted to hurt others, but thought it was okay if they were trying to hurt you first.

You are now only 7 years old. You're used to this new lifestyle, and never being able to control it. You're used to your hair being messy, clothes having holes and being blood stained, drooped-tired eyes, and always feeling hungry and sleep-deprived.

Never being able to stop and have time to think about your emotions or decisions anymore, all you can do is hold onto the hurt, anger, and sadness that Tuamra left with you. And how cruel the word has treated you from the very beginning.

You've escaped from 3 orphanages, hurt and killed many bad people, and almost froze or overheated to death. You've seen and felt it all.

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