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All of a sudden, the blade of a sword was at Jack's throat. Norrington's new ceremonial sword, in fact, looking bright and sharp. Norrington glared at him. "On your feet."

It looked bad. Jack was standing over Cora, and most of her clothes were gone. He got to his feet. The rest of Cora's rescuers reached them, including Governer Swann. He ran up to her. "Cora! Are you all right?" He stripped off his jacket and draped it around her.

Cora shivered a bit, but brushed the Governor off all the same. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. Commodore Norrington, do you really want to kill this man? He saved my life."

Norrington looked at Jack. Jack nodded as best as he could with a blade beneath his chin. Norrington sheathed his sword and extended his hand. "I believe thanks are in order."

Jack took Norrington's hand gingerly. They shook - and Norrington tightened his grip, yanked Jack's arm toward him, then tore back the sleeve of Jack's shirt, exposing a brand on Jack's inner wrist: a large 'P.'

Norrington smirked. "Had a brush-up with the East India Trading Company, did you, pirate?"

The others reacted in shock, but the sailors were well-trained. In an instant, half a dozen pistols were aimed at Jack. He stood there, still holding the corset with a slight grimace on his face.

Norrington turned. "Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons." Norrington noticed something else as well. Above the 'P' brand was a tattoo: a small bird in flight across water. He smiled. "Well, well... Jack Sparrow, isn't it?"

Jack glared at him. "CAPTAIN. Jack Sparrow. If you please."

Norrington looked out at the bay. "I don't see your ship. Captain."

The first officer walked up and said, "He said he'd come to commandeer one. These are his."

He held out Jack's pistol and belt. Norrington took the pistol, examined it, and noted the powder horn on Jack's belt.

He turned back to Jack and said, "Extra powder, but no additional shot."

Jack shrugged. Norrington unhooked the compass from the belt and opened it. He frowned at the reading. He moved the compass this way and that, keeping it parallel to the ground. "It doesn't bear true."

Jack looked away, rolling his eyes. Norrington returned the compass to the belt and drew the sword half from the scabbard. He smirked. "And I half-expected it to be made of wood. You are no doubt the WORST pirate I've ever heard of."

Jack grinned. "Ah, but you have heard of me."

Gillette returned with shackles and approached Jack. Cora stepped forward. Swann's jacket slipped off her. She was unconcerned, but he was intent on putting it back on her. She shrugged him off and snapped, "Commodore, I must protest. Pirate or not, this man saved my damned life."

Norrington scowled. "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

Gillette snapped the manacles closed on Jack's wrists.

"But it seems to be enough to condemn him." Cora growled. 

Jack turned to Norrington with a toothy grin. "Indeed."

Now that Jack was safely chained, Norrington nodded to his men. All but one stowed their weapons, and Cora started to step forward. 

Jack huffed. "Finally."

Lightning-quick, he snapped the corset around the hand and wrist of the man holding the pistol and yanked. The pistol sailed into the water. Before anyone could react to that, Jack
had the manacle chain wrapped around Cora's throat.

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