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Will, Elizabeth, Cora and the crew were at full sail, headed out to sea. Gibbs glanced at Elizabeth and Will, talking alone on the forecastle. He shook his head. "Forget one, now we be having two women on board? A man don't have to be superstitious to know that's trouble."

Elizabeth held the medallion, and finished her tale. " were in danger, so I took the medallion. And I've kept it ever since. They thought I was you, that they needed my blood. And it didn't work." She handed him the medallion.

Will turned it over. He looked at Elizabeth. "Why would father send this to me?"

She shrugged. "To keep it away from them? No pirate would sail to London. They'd get executed."

Will shook his head. "If I had known-"

"-then we never would have met."

Will nodded. They held each other's gaze a moment. Will turned away first, leaning on the rail. He looked out to sea, back the direction they came. "I can't believe I did that to Jack... maybe I am a pirate after all."

Elizabeth frowned and put her hand on Will's arm. "You did what you thought you had to, no one can fault you for that. You saved my life."

Will glanced at her, and nodded. "I understand. Still, feels wrong to leave him behind, unconscious for those monsters. I thought Gibbs was going to have a heart attack." He glanced across the deck. "How do you think Cora is handling things? She hasn't gone this long without talking to me in years."

Elizabeth joined his gaze at her. "I'm not entirely sure. She seems glad to see the both of us alive, but hearing of Jack's capture shook her a bit. I don't know what he said to her before he left, but she seems... troubled."

On the other side of the deck, Cora was indeed troubled. She never would have guessed that Will would have the gall to knock the Captain unconscious and leave him to the same men who mutinied against him years earlier. It made Will appear in a different light, and she wasn't quite sure it was a good light. Not to mention Jack's words to her before departing. Well, more the way he said them than anything else. 'Friends close, enemies closer' he breathed into her ear. That was only one of the many things that was confusing her about the Captain. For instance: why was she was on this vessel in the first place? That feeling in her gut when he held her on that dock, the voice in her head screaming "Go with the damn pirate! You have to! Don't let him go without you!" Pure and simple, Captain Jack Sparrow had her vexed.

At the helm, Gibbs peered forward, scanning the horizon. There was a tiny island in front of them. "Shift your heading, steer clear of that island. Fifteen degrees starboard." He called.

On the aft deck, Cotton concentrated on his work, securing a halyard. Suddenly Cotton's parrot flapped its wings, took off, and landed on the starboard bulwark, squawking, " Dead men tell NO tales! Dead men tell NO tales! Dead men tell NO tales!"

Cora looked up and pointed behind the ship, fear written on her face. Gibbs and Annamaria turned. On the horizon was none other than the ship with black sails: The Black Pearl. Annamaria turned to Gibbs. "Can we outrun them?"

"Outrun the Black Pearl?" Gibbs let out a grim laugh. "Not a chance, lassie. Make for the reef and we might survive this."

The Interceptor tacked, leaving a long
white wake. The Black Pearl matched its speed, then began to gain ground.

Barbossa and Pintel eyed the Interceptor, like two hounds chasing a fox. Pintel shook his head. "What's he doing? Is he going to run her aground?"

The Black Pearl was now close behind the Interceptor as the Interceptor headed for the island. "Drop the forward anchor!" Gibbs yelled.

A sailor at the stern of the ship pulled a release, and the ship's anchor raced down into the water, the metal chain jumping and twisting on deck. The chain stopped, and was locked. With its forward momentum and the anchor down, the Interceptor began to turn quickly, pivoting around the anchor.

Barbossa and Pintel watched as the huge ship brought its cannons to bear right in front of them.

"All hands! Prepare to come about!" Barbossa screamed.

But for now, the Interceptor had the advantage, and she took it. Its cannons boomed and cannonballs rained down.

Elizabeth watched as the Black Pearl came about. There was the low, loud rumble of two dozen cannons firing as one. The Interceptor was hit. A barrage of shots followed; most, maybe all, finding their mark.

Barbossa laughed. "Strike yer colors, ya bloody cockroaches!"

Another round of fire boomed. Barbossa showed no mercy.

Anamaria looked to Gibbs. "Looks like they mean to send us under."

Gibbs pointed upwards. "There... She's raised the Jolly Roger, upside down."

Annamaria, Gibbs, Cotton, Cora, even Elizabeth -- all knew what that meant. Will didn't. He looked to Gibbs for an explanation.

Gibbs smiled grimly. "It's a signal. If we resist, it won't just be death. There'll be torture as

Cora stepped forward. "We can't just surrender!"

"Aye, That we can."

The Black Pearl fired again, a double-ball shot with a chain connecting the two. It hit the main mast dead center and it broke, falling to the deck. Annamaria groaned. "There goes my new ship."

Barbossa moved the Pearl alongside, preparing to board.

Cora drew her sword. "We can at least fight! We might be able to kill a few-"

Gibbs grabbed her arm. "Cora, it'll go worse for us- for Elizabeth, especially- if we fight."

Cora stared, and nodded. She sheathed her sword, but that didn't matter; her glare alone was enough to ward off any man.

The deck slanted; the ship was sinking. Pirates swung across on ropes, and took control of the Interceptor.


The top masts of the H.M.S. Interceptor sank into the smooth crystal waters of the Caribbean as Will, Cora, and Elizabeth, held by pirates, were brought before Barbossa.

Gibbs, Annamaria, and the other crewmembers huddled together.

Barbossa's wrath fell on Elizabeth. "Welcome back, Miss. Last time on board, you played me right clever, make pretending and all. I hope your stay this time is more pleasant. Boys, show her some hospitality!"

As Barbossa strode forward to grab Elizabeth, Cora ripped herself free from her captor's grasp and stood in front of her, eyes blazing. "Anyone lays one SINGULAR finger on her. ANYONE. And I'll have their guts as a necklace."

Barbossa raised an eyebrow. "I'm surprised at your boldness, miss..."

Cora laughed. "As if it was any of your damned business."

"Her name is Cora." Gibbs called.

She whipped around to him, about to start yelling when he stopped her. "Better to tell him without him cuttin' off one of your hands, eh?"

Barbossa smiled. "Ah, master Gibbs. Always the voice of reason." He turned back to Cora  "But, ye see, I've no need to hurt such a bold lass such as yerself. I've got my own masterpiece to keep me occupied." Barbossa whistled.

And there it was.

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