Setting sail

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Jack backed Will up toward the door. Cora crossed to his side and growled, "Get that sword away from him or I swear to god, pirate."

Will stopped moving and glared at him. "You're the one they're hunting. The pirate."

Jack acknowledged it with a tip of his head, and then frowned, regarding Will. "You look familiar... Have I ever threatened you before?"

"I've made a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates." Will growled, raising his chin.

"Ah." Jack sheathed his sword and bowed. "Then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So if you'll excuse me..."

Beside the door was a grindstone, a sword resting in its honing guide. Before Jack could react, Will had it in hand and pointing at Jack's face. Jack smirked. "Do you think this is wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?"

"You threatened my sister!"

Jack frowned. "Your sister?"

Cora lunged forward and sputtered, "It's because we're such close friends, we think of each other as brother and sister."

Jack scoffed. "Well, either way I didn't threaten her, she asked me to take her with me!"

Will spun on Cora and bellowed, "What?!"

But Cora ignored him, opting instead to go over to the window. There was a commotion outside, and Jack soon crossed to the window as well. "What is it?"

Cora was too outraged to respond. Outside, she saw a full on pirate attack, and being dragged away by some of the filthiest men she had ever seen in her life was...


She ran for the door but was stopped in her tracks by Jack. She slammed her palms against his chest and yelled, "Get out of my way!"

He shook his head. "No. I won't let you. These aren't ordinary pirates. They... well they can't be beaten, let's just leave it at that. And they certainly won't be beaten by a woman."

She gritted her teeth. "What do you know? You're a "Captain" with no ship or crew, no friends and no one who cares about you. For all I know, you're not even the legendary 'Captain Jack Sparrow'! I don't know why I asked for your help in the first place. So, if you'll excuse me, I have to save my sister, you lowly bilge-rat!"

Jack stared at Cora, stone-faced. For a minute or two the only sound heard was the invasion outside.

After a tense stand-off between the two, Jack whipped out a blade and held it to Cora's throat. "You know nothing of me, little missy." He growled. "I am Captain Jack Sparrow, and what I've been through and seen would send you running back to your pompous father." Jack set his jaw. "Now if you'll excuse me."

As quick as he had drawn it, the knife was hidden again. Jack went to walk out the back door, but Will cut him off, sword drawn. "We need to save Elizabeth."

Jack snorted. "Why? I see nothing in it for me."

Cora glared at him. "What could we possibly offer you, you selfish bastard?"

Jack chuckled. "My, my luv, no need to be nasty."

"What. Do. You. Want. Pirate." Cora growled.

Jack ran a hand through his beard. "Hmm..." He looked at Cora and frowned. "I rather hate the way you're looking at me, luv. I'll make you a deal. I'll help the both of you rescue your distressing damsel, rather damsel in distress. As long as when this is done, you, Cora, will sail with me as part of my crew, saavy?"

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