Bootstrap's bootstraps

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Pintel entered the brig. Will was in the right cell, with Cora's on the left. They both appeared empty, but that was because Will was hanging from the rafters, trying to shove up the ceiling planks with his legs. Pintel shook his head. "That ain't going to work. That's the gun deck above ye."

Will dropped lightly to the deck. Suddenly he asked, "What happened to William Turner?"

"Ah, William Turner. Stupid blighter. He threw in with us after we relieved Jack Sparrow of his captaincy. But turned out it never sat well with him, particularly after we found Cortes' treasure and its peculiar condition. He thought we deserved to be cursed, for leaving ol' Jack to the fate we did. That's why he sent off a piece of the treasure to you, as it were: so it would never be recovered, and so cursed we remain."

"And then he ran. And he's hiding out someplace where you haven't been able to find him." Will said hopefully.

Pintel sniggered. "That's a nice thought, to be sure, and I wager he wishes he'd thought it hisself. But, no. See, what he'd done, didn't sit too well with Captain Barbossa. So he chained a cannon to Bootstrap's bootstraps and dumped him over."

Will hung his head, swallowing back tears.

"Yep, last I saw of Bootstrap Bill, was his face looking up, as he sank down to the crushing black oblivion of Davy Jones' locker. It was only after, we found out we needed his blood to solve the curse. That's what you call ironic."

Barbossa appeared behind Pintel, flanked by several other pirates. He regarded Will for a moment, then: "Bring them."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Cora turned back to Jack with her wet cloth, wiping the matted patch of blood off his forehead. He flinched away, and Cora muttered an apology. He grimaced up at her and groaned lightly. "S'alright love. I suppose I'm not used to being cared for, 'spcially not by a woman such as yourself."

Cora laughed softly and put her cloth back in the bowl. She met his gaze for a moment before quickly averting it and instead busying herself with checking over the strips of cloth on his chest. Jack sighed and settled back into the tough pillow. "So why are you here anyway, love? I figured Barbossa would've thrown you in the brig right next to dear William."

Cora shrugged. "I told him that you needed to be cared for right now. Your wounds still need to be tended to-"

Jack raised a hand. "Darling, we both know that I'll be alright now that they've been covered and clean." Cora averted his eyes again and he cocked his head, looking at her curiously. "Why are you here, Cora?"

Cora's eyes jerked back to his. He'd never actually called her by her name before. She weighed the options in her head. In all actuality, telling him what was going on couldn't be the worst thing in the world. Yes he may endlessly ridicule her over it, but he may actually know what's going on. Maybe it was an old pirate curse or something. She steeled herself and slowly said, "I've had this... feeling. A tugging in my gut that tells me not to leave you. I'm not sure what is happening exactly, maybe I'm cursed or something, but since you saved me I haven't been able to be apart from you without feeling... wrong. Is this an old kind of spell, a curse?"

Jack was silent for a moment, dumbstruck. He didn't let it show for long though, and quick enough he was back to letting no emotion through. "So you've felt it too then. I can't say I know exactly what this is, but I know someone who would. After these idiots are dealt with, we could go to see her and figure out what the hell is happening." He raised his eyebrows and blurted, "Unless, of course, you just want to go back to Part Royal."

Cora laughed. "Jack even if I didn't want to know what is happening, and I do desperately, I'm never going back to Port Royal. I'm not marrying a fancy lord and wearing corsets the rest of my life. I'd rather be a barmaid in Tortuga."

Jack laughed before delving into a small coughing fit. He took a swig of rum and looked to her. "Alright then. Welcome to the crew, darling."

Before either of them could say anything else, several pirates entered the room and grabbed them both. Cora struggled and growled obscenities but all Jack could do was slowly stand and allow them to bind his wrists behind him. With swords to their backs the two were brought up on deck where Will, Barbossa, and the rest of the crew were already waiting. Barbossa walked up to Jack and gestured out to an island. "Look familiar, Jackie? That be the same island we made ya governor of on our last trip."

Jack glared at Barbossa and spat on his boots. "I did notice. It's pure evil to make a Captain walk the plank of his own ship, twice in one lifetime. No good can come of it."

Cora whipped her head between the two and growled, "Barbossa, you bastard, we had a deal. The two of us would remain in the brig!"

"Ah, but ye never specified how long, or where you would go when you were out. Don't impune me honor, girl, I've kept my word." Barbossa snarled. He turned back to Jack, a look of pure hatred painting his features. "Now, Jack. That reef is less than a quarter of a league distant. It's a better deal than you got the last time around, and you can't hope for much better." He pulled out his pistol and pointed it right at Jack's nose. "Ye'd best take a swim, Jack."

Jack held up his bound hands and pointed at Barbossa. "The last time you did this, you left me a pistol, with one shot."

"By the powers, you're right. Where be Jack's pistol, bring it forward." Barbossa twirled it between his fingers, and smiled at Jack. "Tell you what. I'll give you the one pistol with one shot, and let you be the gentleman, and shoot the lady and starve to death yourself. Gents, take her for a swim!" he bellowed.

Jack's eyes widened as Cora was picked up, still bound, and thrown into the sea. 

"Cora!" He and Will both screamed. Jack spun around and slit through his bonds with the sword being held to his back. He ran past Barbossa, grabbing his pistol and belt from his hands, and dove after Cora. 

Though his wounds were covered and slightly healed from his beating three days prior, as he entered the water he couldn't help letting out a scream, though only bubbles left his mouth. The salt burned his wounds, and it took all he had to open his eyes and swim for Cora, who was struggling with her bonds on the floor of the reef. He grabbed his knife from his belt and sliced through the rope, grabbing her and swimming to the surface. The pair slowly made their way to the island, while the Pearl sailed away, Will screaming after them.

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