Funny moments pt.3

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Y/n pov

I was making lunch for the kids, when taylor walked into the kitchen. Like expected, she smacked my ass when passing behind me. "Mama?", Cleo asked while Natalio was in his play pen. "Yes, sweetness?", taylor asked while helping me with the food. "Why do you do that?", she asked. "Do what?", taylor asked. "Why do you smack Mami's butt", she asked innocently. "Uh", taylor paused trying to think of what to say. "Yeah taylor, why do you smack my butt?", I teased. "Because that's me and mami's thing", she told cleo and handed her a plate of chicken nuggets with some fruit. "Okay. Mami, why do you sit in Mama's lap all the time?", Cleo asked once more. "Because Mama's lap is an amazing seat", I answered and taylor smirked. "Okay", she said and started eating. While she ate, taylor pulled me in for a kiss. "She's a curious one, isn't she?", taylor told me. "Than stop giving her things to be curious about", I said, kissing her cheek and patting her arm before walking over to the play pen.

"Tay", I said sternly. Taylor had her face buried in my boobs, I was certain she much of lost air by now. "Hm?", she mumbled into my breasts. "Stop, you agreed to 10 minutes maximum. This is more than 10 minutes", I said, referring back to the agreement we made. "I know, but there's so big", she whined and brought her face out. "I don't care", I said and she just laid her head on my stomach.

"Ugh!!", I yelled at my computer. Taylor turned around to face me, "whats wrong, princess?", she only called me princess when she wanted to treat me to something, or when she felt I need to be given attention. "This stupid fucking person decided to get rid of all this, and now I have to restart", I said and showed her my screen. "Sorry babygirl", she said and pouted. "I don't know if I need sex, a drink, or a hard slap across my face", I said. Taylor just smiled, "all 3 sound doable", she said.

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