1 week

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Writte a letter to yourself, and I'll remind you to open it again in a week. You might have questions on how the week went? Did School/work go good? How is my mental health? Or you might need to get your feelings down. No matter what, you can do it here.

Hi future me.
It's been a hard week. Dysphoria sucks, doesn't it? Does it get any better? Is this gonna be a dysphoria free week?
I'm really proud of myself for coming out to my friendgroup, and it haven't been a too bad School week. I think I'm doing fine. Does the writterclub go Well this week? Do you finally pull yourself together enough to tell your Crush you like her?
How about math? Is it as bad as always? It probrably is, but what if?..
I hope you're doing good and that you're excited for the trip.
- August, 22:30 26th septemper 2021

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