1 year

20 2 2

Now, this is a bigger one, and you might wanna ask bigger questions. How did the year go? What are my plans for next year? A lot of things might've happened til then.

Hi August!
So.. one year huh? That's a lot of time. I'm proud of you to've come this far.
How was 7th grade? Did everything socially go good?
And probrably most importenly... how tf did coming out go???
And what about choir? Is it getting easier? Right now it's hard, but I'm catching on, even though it takes time. Are you excited for the San Fransisco trip next year? And Wich ones of the Junior choir Singers came in?
There's a lot to look fowards to the next year... it's gonna be so exciting.
- August, 20:10 septemper 27th 2021

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