Tom finding out

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It was trash night and your husband went around collecting the trash from your bathroom when he noticed something. It was a pregnancy test, he went to pick it up and he was confused because you would've told him that you were carrying a child. After he came in from the outside, Tom looked at his wife and said with a serious look, "Darling is everything ok?" "Of course, Tom." She said as she kissed him and put her arms around his waist. He didn't believe her, but she was happy and he didn't want to upset you.
Ever since he had seen that pregnancy test in the trash, the thought of y/n carrying a child around was the only thing that he kept on his mind when he went to bed. He didn't care what the gender would be, but he secretly wanted a little girl. Your stomach was not big, so he was thinking that it might be a fake test, but he really wanted to be a father.

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