🎃Chapter 4: Are you ready?

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One month later

8 days until Halloween

It was 8 days until Halloween time

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It was 8 days until Halloween time. In the lecture hall.

Crowley: Are all the members of the Halloween committee here?

Headmaster Crowley called out the remained students as Deuce, Cater, Jack, Kalim, Jade, Azul, Idia, Lilia, Epel, and Vil are here including June who was next to Deuce.

Vil: Pomefiore members are here.

Cater: Heartslabyul is ok, Deuce-chan has been sitting here for an hour earlier before the meeting started along with our guest, June-Chan.

June: [sighs and blush]😓 This is gonna be a long time here.

Deuce: So, June-san, why are you here?

June: The headmaster wanted me to joined the meeting, he didn't ask me to come and possibly because I'm the dorm leader of Ramshackle. Reese doesn't want to go and Spring want to help the dorm.

Deuce: I see.

Kalim: Oh, enthusiastic! I won't lose to that.

Azul: Oh, Idia. Its pretty rare to see you showing up without using your tablet.

Idia: [giggle] I have something to show you guys later!

Jack: All members are here right?

Lilia replied to Jack.

Lilia: Malleus is also one of the steering committee but, Silver and Sebek are finding him right now! I think he will arrive soon, please wait for a while.

Vil: We forgot to invite him again...

June: [thoughts in her mind] Seriously you guys, how careless can you...

The doors and everyone turn to the doors and sees Malleus who have arrive to the meeting.

Malleus: Sorry for the wait.

June:[Blushes and whispers] ...💗T- tsunotarou.

Lilia: Oh, you came. They found you earlier than I expected, that's good.

Jade: Now all the members have gathered.

Crowley: Eh... well then, we will start the meeting of the Halloween steering committee now. The chairman of the steering committee, Schoenheit! Please get on with the progression as usual.

Vil: Yes. It's going to be Halloween soon will start from tomorrow. At last, I want to confirm the essential points of each design for the venue of the stamp rally. During Halloween week, the use of the stamp rally that's being held during the event is... Customers who collected a total of 7 stamps will get to obtain candy as a present.

Cater: Even though most of the people who visit our campus are local people, the principal still gives them free presents.... As expected from the principal, he's so generous.

June:[thoughts in her mind] 😁💢Yeah right...

Crowley: That's not a big deal. The local people have always been helping us, of course I will give them something in return.

Jade: A bag that is stuffed with candy that costs around 100 madol below.

Crowley: The most important thing is to be thankful BE THANKFUL!

Vil: You guys, stop interrupting the talk I'm going to continue this. The stamp rally will be held from 10am to 10pm. In the meantime, remember not to leave the venue of the stamp rally empty. You guys need to put a stamp for the customers. The one that's in charge of stamping will be exempt from lessons. It's going to be long event, remember to take turns with the other dorms while dealing with this.

Jack and Idia talking to thereselves

Jack: Once we go back to our dorm, we have to take a shower immediately and sleep in an instance or else we can't hold for one week.

Idia: 10pm... It's the best time for a day.....

Deuce: We have a lot of things to do this month...it'll be really tough, but we have to get ourselves motivated when tomorrow arrives.

Lilia: Indeed, preparing the costume and venue will take a lot of time and effort.

Epel: [sighs] We went through a lot of trouble when preparing the costume.

Vil: Of course it'll be like that, since the dorm leaders of Pomefiore are the chairman of the steering committee. Besides that, the dorm that is based on the spirit of beauty shouldn't make cheap clothing, it's out of the question. Well, but at least our worries were worth it. We have completed a wonderful costume.

Crowley: Oh? Looking at everyone's expressions... it seems like you guys are confident in your work.

Everyone: Of course!

Jack: The set of Savanaclaw is very awesome. It's the masterpiece that only we can do.

Jade: Octavinelle are being decorated in a unique way too i think it'll bring fun for you guys.

Kalim: I want a costume of my dorm to get attention too.

Idia: Nonono, our dorm who have a strong fastidious over the detail of clothing should be the number one.

Vil: Hmph, that's the spirit. Alright then... Let's look at the venue and costume of each dorm. If you show me something unfinished I won't go easy on you. Are you ready?

Everyone: 😄 YES!!!

Crowley: Everyone is so motivated it's good to see that! Every student will be motivated when Halloween arrives. It would be even better if you guys always act like this.

Cater: Shouldn't we get going now? The venue of stamp rally are anywhere around the school, it'll take a lot of time by walking to the venue of each dorm.

Crowley: Oh, you're right. Then first let's look at the stamp rally venue of Diasomnia. Looking at the data that you guys hand in, the place that Diasomnia chooses is....

Until Malleus interrupted

Malleus: Ramshackle dorm. That's the only abandoned building that suits the atmosphere of Halloween.

June: 🙁 I forgot about my dorm is still abandoned to the headmaster.

Deuce: Abandoned building... Don't mind it, June.

June: It's fine, Spring doesn't mind it, but Reese is gonna be pissed after I tell her about this.

Crowley: Then everyone. Let's go for our Halloween tour!

To be continued

Well there you go. The other chapters are coming soon. I hoped you like it and be safe. 😃

The 3 Maidens in Twisted Wonderland: A Twisted Halloween Magic 🎃 Where stories live. Discover now