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Claude, Diana, Swear words, Claude, Grammatical Errors, Did I say Claude already?

In the room of the Emperor, You could see two naked people who's cuddling with each other.

Neither of them is tired even though they make out last night till this morning.

Currently cuddling, The blonde woman then said something to the male.

"Claude...You know Cleanth?"

The woman asked the Emperor which he just replied an "mn"

"W-well...He slapped me yesterday and he said I'm a hoe...I-I-I'm sorry..."

As Diana said those words, Claude then frowned and got up.

"Dress up. We're going to his chamber and I would make him sign the annulment papers whether he likes it or not."

Claude said as he put on his robe and walk towards Diana's side to help her get dress.

As Diana finished dressing, They then goes towards Cleanth's chamber.

Barging on the male's chamber, The pair then witnessed Cleanth with a flying small male beside him.

As Claude was about to threaten him to sign the papers, Cleanth then took the papers and signed them with no expression on his face.

"Here you go. I'll just pack my things and would leave immediately."

Cleanth said, not even sparing a glance at both stunned pairs.

Seeing Cleanth being emotionless and signing the papers quickly, Claude then felt a pang of pain in his heart...why?..

"W-wait."Claude managed to call out to Cleanth who's currently packing his things.

"Is this a part of your schemes again?!"

He said as he took Cleanth's collar.

"...How annoying"

Cleanth said as he looked at Claude with dull eyes.

"Can you stop pestering me? I'm trying to pack my things to leave."

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