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'Trust,but always be ready for betrayal.'

-The Birth Of Each Black Sister-

'toujours pur'

Marriage of convenience, was what Cygnus and Druella had. Something to satisfy the pureblood community around them.

There was always something important to them about two pure bloods creating more pure bloods that satisfies them, Druella won't disagree with that.

A world full of mud-bloods is a world she can't live in, just the thought of this makes her shudder.

Cygnus had always been a man with a great thirst for control and greatness, he always wanted to achieve great things to spite everyone around him especially his siblings.

Cygnus made it clear that he expected boys, heirs for the house of black.

A family of great power, known as royalty in the wizarding world that everyone fears.

"If you need heirs than I shall give you." She told him in an uninterested manner, she didn't care about anything anymore.

Her first pregnancy made her think that maybe this way Cygnus would change to be kinder and she took great pride in carrying an heir for the most ancient and noble house of black especially watching Abraxas's wife being pregnant too.

When she went to labor, she only had Walburga with her. Not that she was useful anyways. Cygnus wasn't even there he left knowing that she was birthing his child.

During the long, tiring labor, Druella found herself only wishing for one thing. A boy ,An heir.

You can't imagine how she felt when it turned out to be a girl, not good enough in Cygnus's eyes.

He screamed and shouted,bruised her skin and refused to hold the girl, blaming Druella for not carrying a male heir.

Druella didn't know if she wanted to blame her daughter and hate her for the pain and humiliation she brought her.

This marriage made Druella colder, crueler.

They named her Bellatrix, the brightest star in the constellation Orion.

Bellatrix was one of a kind, a child that never stopped screaming or causing trouble that Cygnus hated her, he despised her.

"Female warrior." Walburga said once as she watched bellatrix scream. "The name suits her."

Druella fell pregnant again, not having high expectations. She had little care for the gender this time.

At labor another girl was born.

It seems Cygnus didn't have high expectations either because he saw the girl, glared at Druella coldly and left.

And she was named Andromeda by her aunt Walburga who took pity on her and decided to name her when she found her parents not caring about her.

Isn't it ironic? Between Bellatrix and Andromeda, Walburga found herself to care more for Andromeda and always held her as a child, the child she named. The child that in years to come would bring shame to the family and turn out a blood traitor, the very thing Walburga despises.

She was named after an entire constellation in the sky, also named after a princess who was chained to a rock and sacrificed to a sea monster.

When Druella become pregnant again, Cygnus felt that the fall of the black family wouldn't be worse than having a third daughter.

The birth was easy but Druella found herself unlike the other two, wishing for a girl just to spite her husband and anger him.

When she was born, she was the only one of her sisters to not inherit the Black Looks and that made Cygnus hate her more.

She looked like a Rosier, a copy of Druella's beauty.

He hated her looks so much that he refused for her to carry the black tradition in naming her after a star and she was named Narcissa.

After the flower and Cygnus's abuse became even worse after that.

The three sisters learned to only care for eachother and themselves, perhaps they failed in protecting eachother when each one of them drew her own life in different ways.

They were brought up in a house with no love or laughter.

And the three only had eachother as kids, the black sisters.

Cissy Black the sweet, calm child , the peacemaker and the beauty.

Dromeda Black the mastermind, the brains and the wise one who became a mother to her sisters.

Bella Black or Trixie as Sirius likes to call her, was the fierce one, the fire between them. The one full of what's called the black madness. She truly cared for her sisters and tried to show it in her own way.

But Blacks live in tragedy and they didn't remain that way.
They changed and from kids they became women.
Narcissa Malfoy a woman who only cares for her son and would die for him, a woman who followed love and love made her fall in its trap thinking that she'll have a bright future when that's not going to happen.

Andromeda Tonks a woman who was know as a blood traitor among people, a disgrace and disappointment who followed love too and did what she knows to be right , her only regret is leaving her sisters behind and breaking her promise of always protecting them.

Bellatrix Lestrange a woman far too gone in her own madness to care about anything, well know Deatheater and the Dark Lord's most loyal follower.

Oh, how different paths the three took. Life has a way of destroying the good things.

It became that the only thing they shared in the future was their last name,
Black like their life.

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