Friday, 12:24 a.m.

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The roof was vast and gloomy, with no other source of light besides the illuminated buildings in the far distance. Behind the cover of the glossy walls of Seoul's hottest club, this place, with its air condition vents and unrendered concrete all over, was as soberingly dull and featureless.

Panting lightly from the climb, I looked around. We were alone as far as I could tell. No wonder, why would anyone in their right mind leave the club to get to this uninviting spot, filled with nothing but the loud clatter of vent flaps?

I followed Jihan to a spot in between two air condition units, each high as a person, and cloaked by a metal lattice fence. They were placed opposite of each other, and covered anyone standing in their midst from sight perfectly.

Indeed, Jihan seemed to know his way around the roof quite well.

The cold breeze made me shiver, or maybe it was anticipation, as I saw him standing in front of me. Being alone with him was terrifying, yet intoxicating, like a drug shooting through my veins. And even though I knew that despair was awaiting me once it was over, there was nothing better now, as I still flew sky-high.

His hair looked white in the dim light, as he reached for my hips, and pulled me closer to him. I took in this stunning face, the broad shoulders — this guy was the fucking death of me.

"I knew you would come back for more," he said against my neck, caressing it with his lips.

His hands reached further down my dress. Moaning, I worked on loosening his belt. I did not want to waste any more time, or risk that I would overthink what I was doing here.

The lattice rattled loudly as Jihan slammed me against it. I could feel the pattern of the metal bars on my back, as I moved my legs around his hips, pulling him closer. Our lips found one another, and I experienced the kiss with all of my senses, unaware until that moment how much I had missed his mouth. I could feel the outlines of his hard dick against me. I wanted him so bad.

Suddenly, he pulled away, and I opened my eyes, disappointed. "What is it? Why did you stop?"

His black eyes looked deep down into mine. "No one has ever dared to do to me what you did today."

What the-? Was he seriously trying to discuss this shit now? Pressed up against a fence, I could think of many things I would rather do than start a therapy session.

"Let's not talk about it," I mumbled against his warm skin. "It is what it is. Please."

He lowered me carefully, until I was standing on my feet again, and I heard him chuckled in the dark. "Wait and see."

Before I could ask what he meant, I felt his strong hands on my waist, turning me around in one swift motion, and pressing my chest against the fence. Surprised, I held on to the lattice in search of stability as my dress was pulled up. He reached in between my thighs, giving me the pleasure that I sought. Groaning, I moved my hips to meet his hand, needing his touch more than the air to breathe.

His mouth was close to my ear, and I turned my head as much as I could, hoping for his lips to find mine once more. But instead, I heard his deep voice.

"Bend over, slut."

When I stared at him in disbelief for a moment, unsure if I had heard correctly, he reached for my shoulders to bend me down himself. I gasped for air, as I was pushed against the metal fence roughly. But before I could complain, I felt his cock at my center. Willing to forget this slip of rudeness in the heat of the moment, I clasped the fence, anticipating what was about to happen. He grabbed my hips, digging his fingers into the flesh ruthlessly.

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