Monday, 12:25 p.m.

27 1 0

"So, how was your day?"

Susan took a big bite out of her burrito as she stared at me from across the table. The small restaurant she had taken me to for lunch was perfect for talking in private. Since it was located in the less prestigious basement part of the tower, no one from Bennet offices came here to eat. According to Susan, they preferred the fancier (and much more expensive) restaurants in the mall. Coming down here, we could talk about all the topics we wanted — which, for Susan, meant Jihan, of course.

"Well, I have been busy all morning meeting every head of department to send regards from my boss," I said, grinning at the impatient expression on Susan's face. I knew that this was not what she was waiting for.

"But if you want to know if I have already had the pleasure of meeting our most beloved co-worker, then I have to disappoint you. He has put me off, our meeting is rescheduled for late afternoon."

Susan blew a raspberry, before returning to her burrito. I felt a little sorry for her, knowing how much she would have loved a little gossiping. Not wanting to leave her hanging with nothing, I told her about my shitty desk next to the break room. Her eyes became wickedly aglow in a second.

"Didn't I tell you!?" She shook her head, waving her burrito around. "I wouldn't have expected anything else from this little shit. Brace yourself, Grace, that's just the beginning."

"Hm," I took a sip of lemonade, "I have to admit that he got me with the desk-thing — I wasn't expecting it. But I am not going to respond to these childish games. This guy can assign me a desk in the fucking restrooms, and I will still take K-21 away from him."

Susan burst out laughing. "The jet lag is making you aggressive, huh? I like it."

"I'm sorry. I just — I really wanna start preparing for Thursday." I ran my hand over my neck, massaging the remaining soreness from my awkward sleeping position on the plane. "And I can't do that without Mister Asshole finally taking some of his precious time to talk to me."

Susan nodded knowingly. "It's just his thing, you know? He likes to show people how important he is by keeping them waiting."

"And how exactly is that supposed to make me feel better, Susan?"

"Do what you please with this valuable piece of information." She grinned at me, speaking with her mouth full. "But let me tell you this — even if you use every trick in the book, I guarantee you that he will never ever let you take the lead on his clients."

"K-21 has become my client the moment I set foot into this office today. The sooner everyone gets that, the better."

It came out way more aggressive than I had intended, but Susan did not seem to care. She had devoured her burrito in record time, and now cleaned her mouth with a napkin.

"Well, if you want a troublesome week, then be my guest: go ahead and try fighting Jihan. I still recommend lying low, and just having a fun week instead — stress-free."

"That's not gonna happen. I will not back down."

I hadn't told her about the promotion that was at stake for me yet, and was still unsure, if I ever should. The fewer people knew about my real intentions this week, the better. I did not want to bring myself into a tenuous position.

Susan paused, her freckled face suddenly serious.

"I mean, you haven't met him. He can be just so... frightening. I mean, yeah, sure, he's gorgeous and all, but when he gives you this look — you see, sometimes he enters a meeting room full of people and everyone just shuts up immediately."

I rolled my eyes at her. Not one of those melodramatic stories again.

"Really, Susan? What, like he is some kind of office psycho, chopping me up, if I'll try to get in his way?"

I laughed, but Susan didn't join.

"Don't underestimate him."

I suddenly felt bugged by her. "I have an agenda from headquarters, goddammit, and no one seems to understand that! I just keep hearing how powerful this guy is. Tell you what: That doesn't matter. He can't stop an order from London. Period."

I unwrapped my sandwich, knowing that I sounded like a stubborn teenager. Maybe the jet lag was starting to take its toll on me.

She put her hands up. "Fine. Be my guest. But you better come well-armed, if you really wanna fight."

I nodded, suddenly aware of my heavy head. It would be best to simply get the meeting over with. This guy had taken up way too much of my time and energy already. Jeez, if Rob ever found out about me fearing some guy from Korean offices, who was a nobody in London, he would never suggest me for any kind of promotion ever again.

The more I was thinking about it, the more ridiculous it all seemed to get. This time next week, I would probably laugh about it, when I shook Rob's hand confirming my new position in management.

"Planning your combat strategy already?" Susan nibbled on a cookie, grinning at me. "I hope you know that I insist on a text the moment the meeting is finished — you hear me? I am literally dying to hear about it."

Maybe it was the sugar rush from the lemonade, but I suddenly felt the strength returning to my body.

I grinned back. "I will tell you about the remains of the office psycho, then."

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