Moving Day

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We packed our things into Shiggy's old car. He sold it to a coworker because he didn't need it anymore. He was okay giving us a ride to the airport. The made sure to only play what we requested. My mom was listening to audio books with her headphones plugged in and Shiggy and I had the same taste in music, so we agreed on songs and made it easier for the guy. We eventually ran out of songs to play so it was quiet.

"Izu?" Shiggy said with a little hope.

"Yes, Tenko?" I replied with a common nickname that I used when we were kids.

"Why did you have a panic attack yesterday?" he asked me, looking down at the floorboard.

I froze. I didn't want to say I saw you cutting yourself. I don't even know if it was real. If it wasn't real I don't want him to worry about me seeing things. People like that end up in mental hospitals. I don't want him to think I'm crazy. Am I crazy?

"Hello?" he said, wondering why I took so long now looking at me.

"Sorry, I just remembered something bad that happened a long time ago" I lied.

"Oh, ok" he replied, knowing that wasn't the real reason.

I had never lied to my brother. Most of the time I don't tell him things. Otherwise I tell him the truth. He shifted a little to lean against the door and look out the window. I leaned against the door as well but I continued to stare at him. Why did I lie to him?


It was silent on the plane to Japan. I played it smart and grabbed my phone and headphones. This way I could avoid asking Shiggy any questions. The ride went smoothly until we went over a few mountains. The plane shook. Shiggy quickly grabbed my hand, squeezed it tightly, put his face against my shoulder, and started breathing heavily.

When the plane stopped shaking, he let go, still breathing heavily. I was shocked that he reacted like that. That's more like something I would do, not him.

"S-Sorry" he finally spoke.

"Your fine Tenko" I reassured him as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He loved it when I played with his hair. He turned and layed on my lap to make it easier for me. I had some spare hair ties in my pocket so I used them in his hair. I continued playing with his hair for the rest of the trip. I enjoyed every second of this moment.


Outside of the airport, our dad picked us up. He wore a hoodie and a fake mustache. I felt embarrassed to walk with him. He looked dumb, but he is a villian. I didn't think anyone would actually buy the disguise.

"What a poor disguise" I said as we entered the car.

"I didn't have a better one," he replied, starting the car.

It was silent in the car. It was nice to not have any family drama going on. It also gave me the chance to see Japan. I missed it here so much. I really missed the food. It was so different in America.


The house my father had owned was a 5 bedroom place. I was curious why it was so big until I went inside. We had a few other people there too. I had listened to their names as dad had introduced us all. Their names were Dabi, Todoroki, Toga, Bakugo, Masaru, Mitsuki. We were all members of the LOV that had nowhere to go. Many places here we're upping security, so we can't rob a bank or anything. We also don't have good enough disguises to get a job. Shiggy, Todoroki, Bakugo, and I are now able to get jobs, because know one here knows that we are villains. In fact, tomorrow we are going to the best hero schools: U.A.


I finally got settled into my new room. I ended up having to bunk with that Bakugo kid. His parents, Masaru and Mitsuki, told me he has a bad attitude and he is a brat. The attitude part I can see but not the brat part. He seemed like a lost child that sees things for the worst. I decided it might be best to leave him alone for now.


When it was time for dinner, I told my mother I wasn't that hungry and I was just gonna get a snack. She had agreed, after all I don't much anyway. I grabbed a snack and left as everyone stared at me besides Shiggy and mom. I watched random TV shows as I ate the snack in my room. I threw away my trash and changed.

I layed on the floor cold. I had forgotten to grab blankets, so I wrapped up in shiggy's hoodie. I tried my best to block out the cold. It eventually worked and I drifted to sleep.

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