My Own Scars

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I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I couldn't bare to think about them walking in on me and seeing the blood or the scars. I turned the sink on full blast. I washed the scars clean. I tend to flinch after running my fingers over them. My arms burned while tears started to form in my eyes. This was the first time that this had happened in a while and it hurt badly.

I watched as the scars got bigger. This time it didn't hurt. I watched in confusion. I shook my head and grabbed the bandages. I wrap my arms carefully as I hear the boys walk into the dorms. Someone jiggled the doorknob.

"Thank god I locked the door, '' I thought to myself. "And thank god I already grabbed my night clothes."

I changed quickly into a hoodie, I stole from Shigaraki, and some sweatpants. I made sure the bandages were on tight, then left the bathroom. As I walked out, the boys stared at me. I gave them a dirty look then continued to my room.

In my room, there was nothing but a small closet, a 35" Tv, and a twin sized bed. I frowned at the bed in realization. The school still had not given us another bed. I shook it off and plopped down.

I scrolled through announcements on my school laptop. Nothing interesting until the very last one. They are going to let us have a 2 week break after this week. I was excited. All I could think about was seeing Dabi and my parents again.


During training, the next day, My scars continued to get worse. However, they started to hurt less. This shocked me, but I went about my day. When I was alone I would run my fingers over the deep jagged scars. They started to grow in places other than my arms, and it was hard to hide but I managed.

We trained the same way we had the previous day. Surprisingly, they hadn't realized the gloves I wore. I thought that at least someone would have said something but I guess not. It wasn't till lunch when I realized someone had noticed it.


Todoroki and I were eating lunch at the outside picnic tables. Bakugo didn't want to go out, and my brother wasn't allowed to eat lunch with us, so it was only me and Sho. We got to know each other some more. He was different from what I thought he was going to be.

He is shy but nice. His favorite food was cold soba and favorite color was white. He became very fond of that color when his mom died. She loved white, in fact she loved everything white. It is just the color white that reminds him of her.

"What are you trying to hide?" Shoto asked randomly, disturbing our peaceful talk. He looked at me dead in the eyes. It was silent for a moment, then he said, "I know you are trying to hide something. Ever since you ran from us yesterday, you've been acting strangely. You are wearing high gloves 24/7, and you're constantly hiding your neck with your jacket. What is going on? You know you can talk to me, right? You can trust me with anything."

I froze. I didn't know how to respond. All day I had thought that no one noticed, but Todoroki noticed it. But then another thought popped up in my head. Why didn't Shiggy notice, but Shoto did? Does he really not care? I, unnoticeably, leaned my head down a little, so he couldn't see the tears forming in my eyes.

"What do you mean."I responded sternly.

"I know something is wrong. I am quite observant."

The look he gave me was convincing. Soon enough I gave in. I took off my jacket, revealing my neck. Then I took my gloves. Deep scars were revealed. The tears that I tried to hold back fell, one at a time. I didn't look up. I couldn't stand to see the look my friend, whom I just met a few days ago, would give me.

Within a few minutes, I was being hugged from behind. I looked up to see Todoroki, still on the other side of the picnic table, with shock and sympathy plastering his face. I turn my head to see Shiggy hugging me. Wait. SHIGGY IS HUGGING ME??? I said the first thing on my mind.

"TENKO?? Why are you here??"

"I-I came t-to s-sup-p-prise y-y-y-you" He sobbed. "T-then-n I-I-I see-e that y-y-y-your hurt"

"Shhhhh" I held him in my arms and softly rubbed his back, trying not to stutter. "It is going to be okay.."

The scars that grow (ShigaDeku Brothers)Where stories live. Discover now