My Understandings (An Austin Carlile fan-fiction)

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I hope you enjoy this new fan-fiction, I haven't wrote in a while because I have been putting a lot of thought into how this story should fan out. Enjoy!

“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.” 

― Jane Austen, Pride And Prejudice

[Luna's POV]

Once upon a time there was a girl who no longer had the ability to love, and therefore numbed her heart to the feeling. That girl, as you may have assumed, is me. Luna Marie Valentine, aged 23, amateur musician and hopeless romantic. So what makes me different to most girls? Well, it's a long story, yet with an easy explanation.

I've fallen in love with a world-famous rock star. At this point you're probably waiting for the whole back-story to this. I guess that is why I'm here, right?

My story begins in a club in L.A. My best friend, and only true friend, Amy was doing a tour with a band to help out at their merch table. They were on their last date of the tour, which just so happened to be here in L.A. She had asked me to come to the show and help out at the table.

"Are you sure you want me there?" I asked through the phone "I've never even heard of these guys, plus I might just get in your way."

"Don't talk BS. I want you here! You know I'm going away for another week after tonight, I want to see you before then." I knew she would be smiling on the other side of the line, she was always so full of joy.

I hesitated, but I agreed. Anyways, how bad could this band really be?

"Yay, great! What time should I pick you up? We've gotta be there by 5 to set up" she asked

I looked at the time on my phone. 2pm. "Uhmm, come by in say...Two hours?"

"Great, seeya then. Ciao bella." She made a smooching sound down the phone. "Mwuah!"

"Au revoir, madame." I hung up. My entire night had just been planned out before me and I had no time to object. Story of my life, you might say.


By 4 o'clock I was almost done getting ready. I heard Amy's car pull up to my house as I straightened my last strand of hair into submission. My naturally wavy hair was now pin-straight, my make-up was simple: winged eye-liner, concealer, tinted moisturizer, and a light lipstick to add a small amount of a darker shade to my lips. I was dressed in my bat-winged little black dress, combat heels. It wasn't too trashy, and it wasn't to innocent either. I felt good, plus, it was a night out with my best friend, I had every right to look and feel good.

I heard Amy's heels clicking along the floor at she walked up the hallway to my room, I had forgotten that she had a key. She walked into my room as I took one last look in the mirror. She looked me up and down as she did a cat call whistle.

"Gorgeous, you scrub up good, Valentine!" she said with a smirk

"Not so bad yourself." I laughed "You ready then?" I picked up my car keys and put them in my purse, I knew I would be the designated driver, she never seem to know when she had had a few  drinks too many.

"Yep! This is gonna be awesome!" She clapped her hands together in excitement and led out of the room. I took one last look in the mirror and pulled my dress down a tiny bit before leaving the room.

"So, who's this band that's playing?" I asked as we led out the front door.

"They're called Hunting A Ghost, they're so good!" She instantly became giddy at the sound of their name.

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