My Understandings - I'm not too sure I understand this.

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[Luna's POV]

I woke to an unknown aroma drifting from the hall-way. I rose from my bed to find that Austin wasn't there. I'm usually an early-riser, so either he gets up even earlier than me or I had just over-slept. I picked up my iphone as I walked over to the mirror. 9AM. I had slept a couple hours longer than I usually did.

I had two texts from Amy, one asking if I got home okay and another saying her brother would be by to pick up her car at 10. Her brother was a sleaze-bag, he thought of women as objects that were their to fondle over him. I hated having to tolerate him whilst he came into my house and flirted with me. I looked up in the mirror as I walked by it, the bruise on my face wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was easily passable for something that happened in an accident.

I made my way through the hall towards the kitchen, following the smell. I reached the kitchen to find Austin standing over the stove in only his underwear.

"...Having fun?" I asked as I pulled my hair up into a messy pony-tail with the elastic around my wrist.

He turned his head to me and smiled. "Trying to, this shit's hard." I walked beside him and looked into the bowl that contained a lumpy mixture and a pan that contained a burnt pancake.

"Well firstly, you've put way too much flour in that, so that's why it's in lumps. And secondly, it does help to actually turn them when you're cooking them." I laughed slightly as his sorry attempt to make pancakes.

"Well, I'd like to see you try, Miss. Pancake-Expert." he mocked.

"Challenge accepted. Take a seat and watch the master." I gestured over to the breakfast bar stools.

"Gladly." He walked over to one of the stools and took a seat.

I headed to the counter to the ingredients that he left out and brought them to the bar with a clean bowl and whisk. I started pouring flour into the bowl as he broke the silence whilst still watching what I was doing.

"So, how'd you sleep, Loo?" he asked.

I paused slightly before carrying on with what I was doing, I felt the ghost of a smile trace my lips.

"...Everything okay?" he asked with a slight look of concern.

"Yeah, it's just, my dad used to call me Loo when I was a kid." I said, smiling at him as I thought of my dad.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No no, it's fine, I liked it." I looked up at him once more and smiled, her returned one only bigger.

"So, how did you sleep then?" he asked again.

"Good, I think I was too worn out to have a bad night's sleep. What about yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was good. You have a really comfy bed!" he said as he watched me whisking the mixture. "So, what pancakes are we having?" he got a look of excitement in his eyes at his question.

"Hmm, how's chocolate chip and banana sound?" I asked

"Sounds good to me! Need me to do anything?" I asked.

"Uhmm, yeah," I said as I poured some of the mixture into circles on the pan. "You can chop up a couple banana's and get the chocolate chips ready."

"Yes, ma'am." He gave me a military salute and a smirk before he did so.

After a couple minutes of silence being filled by nothing other than chopping sounds and sizzling sounds, I asked him a question.

"Did you sleep in your underwear all night?" I asked, instantly regretting it as I did.

My Understandings (An Austin Carlile fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now